DVR-921 questions.

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Original poster
May 12, 2004
A couple of questions;

What are the DVR-921’s going to sell for? With and without the super dish.

I have a dish 500 and another 18” pointed at 61.5 so I’m thinking I don’t need the super dish. Is this correct? Is there some reason I might want to get the super dish?

What are the DPP44 switches going to go for? I think I understand this would allow me to use only one RG-6 between the switch and the receiver. Is this correct?

I have a couple of Aspen D-2000LX diplexors lying around. Can I use these to also split an over-air antenna into the RG-6 between the dpp44+ switch and receiver?

Lastly if I did need the super dish, can I install it myself without any alignment equipment?
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