Forget aout looking for true south, magnetic declination and aming for a weak sat near your true south. that is old school information, you don't needed that. if you can aim a small dish and locate one of the strong circular EchoStar satelites, you can install a motrized dish. Stop now, if you don't have a safe mean of installing a satelite dish. we don't want to loose any members here. the look angle to the clarke belt is highest due south and decreases as we go east or west due to the curvature ofthe earth. the motor shaft is bented in such way that it tits the dish lower as we go east or west away from due south. there are some informtions we needed before we start.
1 your site info, the latitude and longtude of your location.
if you don't, go to the top of this page and click on
enter your city and hit go. for this discussion we will use vancouer
49.2N by 123.1W.
2. motor angle , the manufacturer will give the motor angle for your latitude.
3. the closest circular sat to your true south. o to LyngSat - Lyngemark Satellite for that
info. for vancouver, EchoStar 7/14 at 119 is the clsoest.
4. of course, an hh motor and a 30inch or larger dish
if you already have a 30" or larger dish installed, some of you might have been watchng the inernational hannels on EchoStar 21 for years until big bad nagra 3 show up. remove the dish from the pole and wait for the rest to catch up.
the rest of us will install the mast that came with the dish, make sure it is secure and plumb. install a hose clamp , the one used to secure radiator hose on the car radiator, 5 inches from the top of the pole. this will hold the motor in place and stop it from sliding down the pole as you work on the assembly.
Lets all go into the future , at a time when the motrized dish has been properly installed and tracks the clarke belt with uncany precision, motor over to our close satellte. see what the motor did. the motor has rotated ( 123-119) or 4 dgrees to the east. off the zero mark. this is the whole point in the discussion. start with the correct end and see how we could get there.
back to reality, we needed to move the motor 4 degrees off the zero mark. if your latitude is larger than 119, move east. move west if smaller. you will be using a diffrent satellite if you don't live in Vancouver.
there are two ways of doing this. if you have a satellite finder, hook it up to apply power to the motor. use the move west or move east button to index the motor off the zero mark 4 degrees. the second is hook up a coax from the motor to a fta receive and use usals to move over to 119.
set motor angle according to manufacturer for your city. assemble the dish on the motor and slide the assembly on the pole , resting on the clamp. for now install a circlar LNB on the arm and connect the LNB to a bev or dish stb , locate, peak and lock down, make sure all bolts are tight and check signal again. replace the circular lnb with a linear LNB or better still, an invacom quad. LNB to motor to stb. it is very important that there are no switches of any sort between the motor and stb. the next steps are antenna set ups I don't think needed to discuss here.
to clarify , we are placing an imaginery satellite smack due south of our site.
by aiming for 119 when motor is 4 degrees to the east , we are actually aiming for the imaginery satellite due south of our site if the motor were still at the zero index.
too much writing for a simple conept and proces. I hope this is clear eough for all.
please ask if I am not clear or complete on any point. once it is intalled, finding any satellite is breeze. have fun!
1 your site info, the latitude and longtude of your location.
if you don't, go to the top of this page and click on
enter your city and hit go. for this discussion we will use vancouer
49.2N by 123.1W.
2. motor angle , the manufacturer will give the motor angle for your latitude.
3. the closest circular sat to your true south. o to LyngSat - Lyngemark Satellite for that
info. for vancouver, EchoStar 7/14 at 119 is the clsoest.
4. of course, an hh motor and a 30inch or larger dish
if you already have a 30" or larger dish installed, some of you might have been watchng the inernational hannels on EchoStar 21 for years until big bad nagra 3 show up. remove the dish from the pole and wait for the rest to catch up.
the rest of us will install the mast that came with the dish, make sure it is secure and plumb. install a hose clamp , the one used to secure radiator hose on the car radiator, 5 inches from the top of the pole. this will hold the motor in place and stop it from sliding down the pole as you work on the assembly.
Lets all go into the future , at a time when the motrized dish has been properly installed and tracks the clarke belt with uncany precision, motor over to our close satellte. see what the motor did. the motor has rotated ( 123-119) or 4 dgrees to the east. off the zero mark. this is the whole point in the discussion. start with the correct end and see how we could get there.
back to reality, we needed to move the motor 4 degrees off the zero mark. if your latitude is larger than 119, move east. move west if smaller. you will be using a diffrent satellite if you don't live in Vancouver.
there are two ways of doing this. if you have a satellite finder, hook it up to apply power to the motor. use the move west or move east button to index the motor off the zero mark 4 degrees. the second is hook up a coax from the motor to a fta receive and use usals to move over to 119.
set motor angle according to manufacturer for your city. assemble the dish on the motor and slide the assembly on the pole , resting on the clamp. for now install a circlar LNB on the arm and connect the LNB to a bev or dish stb , locate, peak and lock down, make sure all bolts are tight and check signal again. replace the circular lnb with a linear LNB or better still, an invacom quad. LNB to motor to stb. it is very important that there are no switches of any sort between the motor and stb. the next steps are antenna set ups I don't think needed to discuss here.
to clarify , we are placing an imaginery satellite smack due south of our site.
by aiming for 119 when motor is 4 degrees to the east , we are actually aiming for the imaginery satellite due south of our site if the motor were still at the zero index.
too much writing for a simple conept and proces. I hope this is clear eough for all.
please ask if I am not clear or complete on any point. once it is intalled, finding any satellite is breeze. have fun!