Dual HD Tuner - 1 TV?


Original poster
Jan 5, 2007
I am currently a Comcast Cable subscriber. With Comcast I can record two HD feeds at the same time. My question is, if I purchase the DVR622 can I still record two HD feeds or am I limited to one HD feed and one SD feed (or a third OTA)? With the CSR (clueless service rep) I contacted, it does not support two HD feed recordings; however, here I read that it did or thought it did.

Can it be done? If not, can I not purchase a seperate dish and attach that to the single DVR622?

As kb7oeb says, you can record 3 HD streams at once - 2 from Sat & 1 from OTA antenna. I've done this many times. Real life saver with 4 of us in the house.

Can also watch a pre-recorded HD program while these 3 HD streams are being recorded. Overall, the 622 is a sweet HD DVR
Perhaps not the best choice of words, regarding TV1 and TV2. Let me elaborate:

With the Dish ViP622 you can record two satellite programs and one OTA program, all at the same time. The OTA tuner receives digital stations, which may or may not be broadcasting in HD. It does not receive analog stations, which are about to shut down anyway (2/09). The two satellite tuners can record SD or HD. That's 3 inputs.

Separately, there are two outputs, called TV1 and TV2. TV1 is expected to usually be hooked up to an HDTV. TV2 is expected to usually be hooked up to an analog, SD only TV. You can watch a digital or HD program on TV2, but it will be downrezzed to SD.

If you wish to watch OTA on the TV hooked up to TV2, more or less live, start recording that OTA program using TV1. Then switch to whatever you want to watch on TV1. On TV2, watch the recorded OTA program. You'll be a few seconds behind, but not much. You can always watch a program recorded on the DVR while it is still recording. Many folks will start recording a program, go away, and then come back 15-20 minutes later and start watching it from the beginning (while it is still recording). This way, they can skip thru the commercials and just watch the program, and still be at the end of the program about the same time the actual real time program ends.

BTW, there is a 30 second skip ahead button on the Dish DVRs. MUCH BETTER than using fast forward to skip thru commercials. There's also a shorter (5 second?) skip back button, in case you overshoot.

You can record 3 programs at the same time, while watching 2 pre-recorded programs at the same time.

All these features (& oithers) make the ViP622 the finest DVR on the market, bar none.

Hope this helps.
Thank you for your response. I had concerns that the clueless rep did not know what they were talking about. It is really ashame that today, you cannot depend on the CSR to actually know what they are talking about nor sale the item as it is. I was not about to purchase 300 bucks worth of hardware (lease whatever) to loss options that I can get now with Comcast.

Other questions: If for some reason I loss service, example, a cloud goes over or something, can I still access my DVR programs? On Comcast it wont as it cannot validate my service; very lame.

Do you still have to have an analog phone line with Dish? I have no phone service right now and really dont need it.

Thanks again,
A cloud is unlikely to block the signal. I have only lost signal for a few seconds during VERY heavy rains or icing. I lost cable service far, far more. But the DVR will always work, even if you lose signal.

Yes, a phone line is preferred for dual tuner units like the ViP622. For $5 per month, you can skip the phone line. Some folks have gotten VOIP to work, basically using their internet connection as a phone line.

Good luck, gotta sign out now, going out of town.

Recording starts at odd time, or stops early.

Now that you have HD, how much SD do you watch?

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