I have the top 250 and I don't watch a lot on it. Wondering best way to go should I do the top 200 , 120 or lower? My promos are running out next year and wondering what the best option would be?
I'm down to American top 120.
I am at 250 right now, I just looked to see some differences. Looks like for 120 there would be quite a few I would miss. Now for 200 looks like the only channel I would really miss is DIY as well as the family enjoys that Chanel as well
I'm down to American top 120 so I can get still Fx.
Justified is coming on soon, good show.
aquaman67 said:I dropped from 250 to 200 and didn't tell anyone else in my family.
No one noticed.
Anyone have a list that lets us know what channels are just in the 120, then if you want to upgrade to the top 200 the channels that are added are listed, etc. I've been trying to compile a list of all channels I watch via Dish.com so I could make a informed decision on downgrading and it's a PITA.