Dog TV --- The First Television Channel for Dogs

Found @ DOGTV - FAQ

Where can I get DOGTV?

DOGTV is currently available in San Diego on COX (channel 2635) and Time Warner (channel 148).

In addition, DOGTV is gearing up for its nationwide launch. If you want to know exactly when is DOGTV coming to your cable/satellite provider, please subscribe to our mailing list , and we will send you subscription information as soon as it becomes available.

How much will DOGTV cost?

DOGTV is a pay channel. The monthly cost is approx $4.99/month.

We already have Animal Planet,which airs a variety of pet themed shows (not just dogs).Need other channels first,but if its a Paid network,people can subscribe to it ,that would be better..
I wonder if the channel line-up will look something like this:

4:00 pm - Lassie
5:00 pm - Dog Whisperer
6:00 pm - Scooby-Doo
6:30 pm - Dog, The Bounty Hunter
7:00 pm - The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (Red Carpet Special)
8:00 pm - The 136th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

My cat has no interest in Animal Planet, but she does like to chase the mouse pointer when I crank up my HTPC... No joke!
i wonder if this will be picked up by dish nice comment at the beginning of the tread.what the saying it always go for the dogs right we have three of them.


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