Worse, even TiVo, the last decent DVR for OTA (the Bright and Channel Master DVR's fall way too short compared to sat, cable, and TiVo DVR's, and Chanel Master's now come with additional costs if one wants a reliable EPG), is petitioning the FCC to allow it to eliminate analog tuners in ALL of its next models of DVR (likely still Series 4, but still retaining the "Premiere" moniker). Considering that the FCC granted TiVo's previous request to drop analog tuners for the 4 tuner models, I would expect the FCC to grant the exemption because even cable cos. are working to go all digital and are far along that process. This would mean that anyone who wants to DVR low powered OTA analog (I believe HDTV's are still required to support analog) will have even fewer of the very few options today. They would have to consider legacy equipment to DVR those channels. Ironic to allow the low powered analog, but FCC moves to NOT support their reception, by DVR's, at least. The low-powered analog should be allowed some kind of transition to a muxed digital OTA, at least.