Does Dish Network have a DVR with a "Season Pass" feature?


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Nov 17, 2004
I was recently a Direct TV subscriber and owned a receiver that also had Tivo. I fell in love with the "season pass" feature. This allowed me to tell it what show I wanted to watch, select record new shows only, and the unit would record the shows for me even if the show switched air times. Does Dish Network have a DVR similar to this that accepts two feeds?
E*'s PVR/DVR's currently only record a specific date/time/channel, they don't do name based recording or have a 'Season Pass' type feature. E*'s supposed to be releasing a software upgrade that adds name based recording but I don't remember seeing anything that indicated that a 'Season Pass' function would also be part of that.

As for dual tuners, the 501/508/510 have only a single tuner, the 522/721/921 have two DBS tuners.
rad said:
they don't do name based recording or have a 'Season Pass' type feature.
Isn't that the same thing? From what we heard, NBR would record a show regardless of the time slot and you can choose between new shows and re-runs.. Does Season Pass do anything in addition to that?
Wishbone said:
Isn't that the same thing? From what we heard, NBR would record a show regardless of the time slot and you can choose between new shows and re-runs.. Does Season Pass do anything in addition to that?

Season Pass will do things like only record a new showing, not a rerun.
Actually there is one DVR/PVR that E* has that is capable of Name Based Recording (NBR) and is the closest to providing any kind of similarity to Season Pass (although that may be debatable).

It's the DishPlayer 7200, note that this is a discontinued product so would need to be purchased used. In addition if you have Dish Pro LNB's and Switches (other than the DPP44) you'll require a Dish Pro Legacy Adapter which is about $69.00 or so.

Finally, while most of us DishPlayer users have our PTV service Grandfathered in on our receivers, it's possible that you will be charged a monthly PTV service fee that is $9.95 instead of the lower fee of the 5xx series of DVR's. Search the threads for other DishPlayer 7200 messages regarding this and the varied ability for some to get the fee waved.

Finally, even with the Dish Pro Legacy Adaper, the 7200 does not have the ability to see the 105/121 FSS SuperDish Sats. It can only see the 61.5, 110, 119, 148 Sats, so this may impact some locals packages if you have them on 105.

Beyond those agravations and limitations, the receiver is a very nice product with the best user interface "BAR NONE" of any E* receiver using the MSNtv service from Microsoft (yes it can do "dialup" internet access too, but it's slow and expensive for that service). If the various software bug problems could have been handled differently, I would have been all for a continued E*/Microsoft development team for the other new DVR products. Maybe this is worth looking at again in the future if the MSNtv V2 (which support Broadband access) products prove to be mature, bug free and enjoyable to their users.
Charlie mentioned (I think it was september) that once they rolled NBR they would roll a Season Ticket Recording option. I really hope ther eisnt a fee for that

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