Does anybody who pre-ordered Superdish, got it installed?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 3, 2003
I wanted to subscribe to international program available on 121 bird, so with a 1 year commitment of AT50 and 1 year commitment of international channel with minimum of 9.99$ I will a get a superdish free.

But they say they have to pre-order superdish for me, any idea how long does it takes them to fulfill the order.

Are they waiting for superdish to come of the production line?

Any body who has superdish pre ordered please post your experience here.
Ordered mine early Dec to receive locals Due to be installed on Feb7th which was the earliest they had available
Ordered one on Dec. 22nd, got cancelled for the 29th. Now scheduled for the 28th of February. I do know plenty of people in my area that are new customers that have gotten them installed within a day. :rolleyes:
I ordered SuperDish on November 16th- to get local channels Missoula Montana. Date set for the 1st Dec. No show, no phone call, no nothing. Turns out Dish originally decided to place our locals on Dish 105. Local service was announced on November 15 and the 16th day was the first day to order.

Because we are so far north and the 105 is a low power sat., installers were having problems getting a lock on the 105. Dish decided to move Missoula local stations to Sat 121 BUT did not change production on the SuperDish for their contract installers and stopped all SuperDish installations for several weeks and did not tell the folks scheduling install appointments. Dish finally decided to go ahead with the install of the 105 SuperDish and temporarily mirror the Missoula Channels on 105 and 121. I was installed, finally, on Jan. 8. The installer says he will be back with a new Dish or LNB that will receive Sat 121 in a couple of months. They will have to replace somewhere between 700 to a 1000 Dishes in the area. It is interesting to note that the RETAILERS were supplied with the proper 121 SAT SuperDishes and all new customers are getting the proper SuperDish. As of Jan. 12th, the installers have yet to see a 121 SuperDish and continue installing the 105 Dish.

The SuperDish does a nice job of picking up 3 Sats. But, since CBS-HD has not been moved from 61.5 to 110 with the rest of HD programing, I will not be able to pick up locals and CBS-HD when my 811 finally arrives.
Even though I'm willing to put up another Dish for 61.5, E* does not have a 4 input switch for DishPro equipment. I am told the switch will be available sometime in 2nd quarter 2004 and CBS-HD will be moved to 110 sometime in the future.

"This ain't no way to run a railroad- or a satellite service" :evil:

I originally called before Thanksgiving and was given Dec. 10 installation. Wasn't done then, snow on the ground (couldn't roof mount) and the ground (for pole mount) had not been marked by the utility co. NO ONE SAID IT HAD TO BE MARKED!! They could not use my existing side-of-house mount for the SuperDish.

Rescheduled for 2/1. However, when an appointment was set up for installation of my 811, the 2/1 appointment "fell out of the system" (according to CS, the system cannot hold two work orders per customer !!).

So now I'm rescheduled for like 3/15. I am NOT confident it will happen. The CS person told me they were way off on projections of SuperDish configurations, and supply sucks.

I love Dish but their service is getting scary bad.

Be aware, those who are waiting: at this time I am told they can either roof mount the dish or pole mount it. Those are the only options. If it is to be pole mounted, be sure to have the utility company mark utility lines before the dish guy shows up.

Good luck.

I'm in Statesboro GA. My first appointment was cancelled,but after I generated a CEO email they promised me Sat 1-24-03. I'm not real hopeful of that, but I'll wait and see. Really wish they would free up the 811's as my new plasma would love it. But we'll start with the dish first and work our way from there. Boy, Charlie could make a ton of money if he could deliver some product. :D
People around here are saying that it will be March before they can get an install and that was a week after the locals here were launched so who knows how long of a delay there is now after a month had passed since the locals had been launched.
Ordered mine in December, first available date was January 15. Install was done on the 15th without any problems. I am very happy with the quality of the local feeds here in my area, much better than locals on Cox cable. Just thought I would mention the fact that Dish did the install, added a second DP switch, and it didn’t cost me anything except 1 yr commitment to locals. I think this is great customer support.

I called Dish on November 30 to schedule a superdish upgrade for the period 12/20 through 01/04 when I would be home. I was told that I needed to upgrage my 6 year-old Model 1000s to appropriate models. I ordered a 510 and a 301, They would not schedule a superdish upgrade until these were installed. I tried to get them to the receivers, then the superdish but they would not. When I got home on Dec 20th, I installes both receivers and activated them... took a whole 10 minutes, (It woiuld have been quicker but I was kept on hold at dish) At this time, I told them they would need a pole mount. I then received a date of Jan 15 2004. OK, the fun now begins. On Jan 15th,I fly home to Richmond, VA from Pierre, SD to be there for the install. The install 3-man install team (subcontractors) arrives. They have no poles! In fact they could not do any appoints the previous day(s) because of a lack of poles. I then get on the phone and explain the travel situation. They schedule me for the next day. Jan 16 in the morning. Guess what... no one shows up. The appointment was on my record, but they neglected to put it on the installer's 'grid'/workorder. Luckily, when I call the dish installation number, the perosn was able to squeeze me in that afternoon.

A Dish employee-installer shows up (not a sub, but a real dish employee) at 3:00 pm. The weather was clear, but around freezing and very windy. He plants and plumbs the pole. He attaches the superdish, the switch, and the cables. He runs the switch test. Sats 110 and 119 are at meter level 121 and 125, but no hit on 105. He says that about 50% of the LNBs for the 105 have been bad for him. He says he brings several setups with him to cover this problem. He installs set-up number 2. I run the switch test this time. We have 110 with a meter of level 121, 119 at 125 and 105 at 47. After slight adjustments, 110 is at 120, 119 is at 123 and 105 goes to 62. I order locals and as Emeril says BAM! In 3 minutes I have locals! The 510 PVR works great! Reception is great. My wife and I are now very happy!

Good Luck to all!
I called around to several local retailers and had it installed two days after Greensboro local went live.

Question about OTA aspect ratio.

Should I switch to Dish? New to satellite....

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