just wondering if someof the people out there who got DOD in the last CE got it working I still dont have channel 1000 in the guide or anything I am not complaing i am just wondering if anyone who was having this problem has gotten it to work
Did you do the "IWANTMYVOD" keyword search?
yep I did that and enabled it and I can see it in the menu and I can see it in the todo list but 100o never showed up in the guide
I thought that DOD was disable, if you didn't get it on the 0190 CE update you weren't getting it!!
That just doesn't make sense - if DTV is running behind on getting folks activated, then how does a standard Joe like tdenton get his VOD on in an hour? Anyone got any ideas what's up here?
How do I become part of the CE DOD program. I am very interested in participating.
DIRECTV since 1995 HR20-700 HR20-100 H20 3 other SD boxes from various mfgs