FaxMan: I think some of us at leat would be interested in knowing what brand & odel of surge suppressor is not working for you - and whether you are running Legacy or DishPro - DP is going to be more sensitive.
SaltiDawg: Welcome aboard. Maybe I didn't make myself 100% clear. Objective AND duration of power loss are the criteria. In my case, the UPS drives just the 921 - because I want the best possible chance of not losing my shows.
Other people (like FaxMan) worry about their projection lamps - and rightfully so.
And, as I said before, protecting your UPS with a surge protector is NOT an issue. I've been doing it for many years, protecting all sorts of electronics. The ground bus on ALL of these devices is a pass-through. All the surge strip is doing is providing some additional clamping before it reaches the next device in the chain so to speak. It's a non-issue.
EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, if we go your way, you can't use a UPS in a house with a whole-house surge protector, or for that matter on an electrical grid that protects the neighborhood feed lines with lightning protectors.