Do I need a switch?

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May 25, 2004
I have a new directv system utilizing 4 receivers. One tivo two channel and 3 sat receivers. There is a 5 receiver switch connecting all of the receivers. I want to take the 4th receiver with me when I use my travel trailer. I purchased a separate dish(same as home) and a tripod. I connected the dish directly to the 4th receiver. I went throught the setup program and when I got to auto config it said it was looking for "switch type" then after a while a message came up "switch type failed". Couldn't get any further than that. I thought I might need to add a switch to this setup because this receiver has been programmed as the 4th receiver and is looking for a switch. Any help will be appreciated.

The sd-hbh is a standard receiver.First thing I would try is unplug the receiver for a couple seconds then plug it back in.Let it go through the set up and all should be well.The receiver should configure it self no need to go into setup menu.You shouldn't have to add anything as far as switches go just make sure you have a good signal.If this doen't work for you,you may need to change"dish type' in the setup menu manually

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Local Channels in Sioux Falls, SD???

Locals SD only?

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