DNS - Fox HD

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Original poster
Jan 8, 2005
Cleveland DMA
Quick one.... Noob here but I noticed that I can get Fox DNS coz I live in Cleveland DMA. But just looked and noticed that they are chraging ~ $2 for this . I thought this was part of the HD pack, am I wrong?
BTW - Great nfo on this board. Been with D* for ~ 5yrs.
No, DNS is NOT part of the HD package.

Normally if you were in an O&O or white area you could be 100% sure to get DNS and/or HD DNS, but since the new SHVIA became law about 2 weeks ago, there has been a hold on requests & approvals until the new areas are created. Since you have local into local service you can get that, but have to wait on network HD.
Shoulda mentioned....

That I have the 6 month HD pack and that I was able to get Fox HD after about 5 min on the phone. No questions asked :). Wanted to know if I should be charged for this or if it should be part of the HD pack by default. Also CSR said that I could not get any of the other DNS coz the law changed (like you mentioned)
I checked and it looks like I do indeed receive both sets of channels. Really only wanted the HD channels. Better call em up to fix this then.
Call this number, HDTV eligibility number - 1 800 263 0028, they are the only people who will really understand what you are asking for.
But none of either type are included in the HD package (his question) and PLEASE reply back after you call because after reading 2 weeks worth of other people's questions, you being served by a local into local SHOULD prevent you from getting ANY network HD right now.
Even though your a HAWKEYE...

That worked like a champ.....45 seconds into the call she fixed everything. Eligible to get the Fox HD channel at no charge. But she did state that it depends on the network on whether or not there is a charge. ABC requires that you subscribe to DNS in order to receive the HD channels. Fox does not. I did not inquire about CBS or NBC though.

GO BOILERS!!!!!!!!!

(or any BigTen team.....cept IU)
What was her name please? I have 10 people I need to get to call her ASAP. They have been trying to get O&O and HD network stuff turned on for almost 2 weeks.
Thought it was Donna.....Not 100% on that though. The phone did not even ring a full ring before it was answered. I was so shocked to get through so fast that I forgot to write it down. But she metioned that they are having issues with their systems and she knew exactly what happened and checked my D* account and it has already been fixed in their billing system.
So were you already signed up and SHOULD have been getting this BEFORE 12/30/2004? or were you ust trying to get some billing straight?

I have had the HD pack for about 4 months out of the free 6 months (Sammy t360 with no issues ;-) and did not realize that Fox HD was available and should have been getting it prior to 12/31. BTW....I now only receive the East feed on Fox HD (channel 88).
Well that at least put you into the "grandfathered" area that my friends are not in. but I sent them Donna's name.
OK now I'm confused...and worried. I live in the Boston area, and I will be getting my HD service installed this week. I should qualify for Fox and CBS according to the DirecTV website. Are you guys saying I won't be able to get these channels now, unless I try and get them OTA?
Welcome to Satelliteguys Janney66!! :welcome

If the FOX and CBS stations in Boston are Owned and Operated then you will qualify for the National HD channels Directv provides.
charper1 said:
But none of either type are included in the HD package (his question) and PLEASE reply back after you call because after reading 2 weeks worth of other people's questions, you being served by a local into local SHOULD prevent you from getting ANY network HD right now.

I realize that they are not included in the HD plan, but HD network feeds are free if you qualify. From the D* website:

"available to qualified
customers in select cities as part of
any TOTAL CHOICE® with Local
Channels* programming package,
starting at $39.99 a month."


He was able to get FOX HD regardless of having fox DNS because he lives in an O&O market. If you don't live in an O&O market you need to have DNS to get the HD network feed.

"There are two ways to receive FOX HDTV programming:

1. FOX HDTV programming may be available in select markets to some DIRECTV customers who have HD equipment and a TOTAL CHOICE® with Local Channels programming package, or the DIRECTV HD Package. It's available for eligible customers who reside in the following markets: New York, NY, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL, Philadelphia, PA, Boston, MA, Dallas, TX, Washington D.C., Minneapolis, MN, Detroit, MI, Atlanta, GA, Houston, TX, Tampa Bay, FL, Orlando, FL, Cleveland, OH, Phoenix, AZ, Denver, CO, St. Louis, MO, Milwaukee, WI, Kansas City, MO, Salt Lake City, UT, Birmingham, AL, Memphis, TN, Greensboro, NC, Austin, TX, and Ocala, FL. Based on your geographic location, you will receive FOX HDTV programming from WNYW (New York) or KTTV (Los Angeles).

Please note that if you cannot see a picture on channel 88 or 89, and you live in one of the above markets, you may need to obtain a waiver from one or more non-local FOX affiliates. This can take up to 45 days to process.

2. Customers eligible for Distant Network Services who have HD equipment will receive FOX HDTV as part of their DNS subscription.
Find out if you qualify."

Notice that Cleveland is listed as an O&O city. The fact that he had FOX DNS meant that he qualified for FOX HD in both ways, but even without the DNS he could still get FOX HD because he lives in an O&O market.
charper1 said:
......you being served by a local into local SHOULD prevent you from getting ANY network HD right now.

You have DNS and network HD feeds confused. Getting LIL prevents you from getting DNS, but not network HD feeds, the way you qualify for DNS is different then the way you get network HD feeds, although once you qualify for DNS then you can get network HD feeds.
Please reply by conversation.

Newbie with DirecTV HD and need advice

Couple of questions!!

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