DN claims 501/8/10's all have timer failed issues...


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Nov 18, 2003
New info:
I just received a call from DN Corp. and have found out that the issue the last CSR was referring to was not missed timers but lost recordings. So, now DN is saying that there is no widespread problem with missed timers on their 5XX series receivers.

Also, they are unsure what is causing my problems but said they would get back to me.

I will report back if/when I hear anything. Again, thanks for all the interest,
George -bub

I have a DN508 receiver and it sometimes fails to record timers. This is a random occurence that happens maybe 15% of the time. DN has replaced my 508 about 6 times for this problem.

Now, they are claiming that this is a known issue with all their 50x based receivers and that they are working on it and I just have to wait for new software.

I've looked through this forum and I don't see anybody else complaining about it. What gives? Are you guys experiencing this problem or not?

George -bub

Here is what happens to me, sometimes the unit just fails to turn on. Sometimes, it will turn on but not record. Sometimes it will turn on but record the wrong channel (this rarely has happened). Usually, it will turn on but not record (no record light). When I try to hit record, or change channel or turn the unit off, I get the warning that I have to stop the recording first (even thought it isn't recording). I select ok, but I still can't change channels, turn off the receiver or start recording because the same warning message comes up again. If I go through this process 2 or 3 times, the receiver will freeze up and I have to reboot.

Thanks everybody...
Dish just doesn't want to replace your receiver any more ,is what it sounds like to me. They are just telling you this to put you off . They hope you will wait for the mysterious software update that might come down the line to fix your specific problem. They told me the same on my 811 when I had one. The didn't want to replace the 811 for anything. It is even harder to replace a 921 if you have a problem. They make you wait for like 48 hours till someone in Dish calls you back to discuss your problem and they make the decision whether to replace it or not. I hope you have the extended warrenty .
If yours is failing that much and they have replaced your receiver 6 times, it sounds like it is not a receiver hardware problem, but something else in your system. Is it on an UPS? Perhaps you have power problems that knock out recordings. Or perhaps the signal is dropping out from your dish or something. It could be a bad cable from the Dish to the receiver, do you ever lose sat signal when watching live TV or see a lot of dropped frames/pixelation when watching TV?
I have a 501 ( 2 yrs) and 510 (1 yr), neither has ever missed a scheduled event.

Very sad to say, but Dish CSRs are notorious for making crap up. At times it is unbelievable what customers report they have been told. Because of the frequency at which this seems to happen, you gotta believe that management endorses or at least supports this "creativity".
mike123abc said:
If yours is failing that much and they have replaced your receiver 6 times, it sounds like it is not a receiver hardware problem, but something else in your system. Is it on an UPS? Perhaps you have power problems that knock out recordings. Or perhaps the signal is dropping out from your dish or something. It could be a bad cable from the Dish to the receiver, do you ever lose sat signal when watching live TV or see a lot of dropped frames/pixelation when watching TV?

Absolutely agree here. I have had a 501 since they were first introduced and 2 508s. I haven't seen the behavior bub describes for a very long time. I have all my receivers on UPS and very much recommend doing so.

About the end of the first year with my 501 I experienced many of the symptoms bub describes. At first I blamed the flakiness on a software upgrade I had just received but when watching live I started to notice more and more acquiring signal errors. I had several timers set to just change channels and noted that if the 501 lost signal within the 5 minutes before an event that event would fail. At that point I would need to perform a reset on the box to get timers to function again. As it turned out my problems weren't being caused by the 501 but a bad SW21 switch. After I replaced the switch all the problems went away.

Just something to keep in mind.

missed recording and efforts to remedy

Howdy all, thanks for the interest in my post.

Of course, the DN techs and myself have been over and over my setup repeatedly. Late last year, I purchased the 6000 and DN replaced every piece of wiring, switch etc... At that time, I had two 501's and used one of them up until I 'went for' the 510 upgrade, and that 501 NEVER missed any recording EVER, and I used it for almost two years. Long story short, DN sent me a 508 instead of a 510 around April/May and ever sinde then, I can't rely on the 508 to record timers.

We have ran a check switch, switched feeds, rebooted, reset, reset to factory defaults, switched outlets etc... Each and every time, with the exception of this last time, DN techs have suggested replacing the faulty 508. Now, they are claiming a known issue that affects ALL 5XX receivers.

I do not use a UPS, but I do use a Monstor power conditioner. We have moved the 508 from that to a standard outlet with no resolution. I've never lost the signal nor sat through a reaquiring sat signal with the 508's, of course the 811 is a different matter, needs to be rebooted all the time.

What happens mostly is the timer will turn the unit on but it won't switch to the proper channel nor will the record light come on. Yet, when trying to change channels, turn off the unit or start a new recording, the warning pops up saying that a recording is in progress (it isn't and nothing shows up in the DVR menu) and I have to agree to stop recording to continue. Even when I accept, I can't continue and another attempt or two will lock the receiver up, forcing a front panel reset.

Also, what happens is that the search function will stop working. Even though the program guide is days in advance, 8 I think, the search function fails with no information available. If I reboot, then I can use search again for a few days.

What is annoying most is that DN is not interested in any input from me regarding what is happening, or what my observations are about why it may be happening.

Again, I was told that this problem is affecting ALL 5XX based DN receivers by a 2nd level DN tech. They KNOW about it and are WORKING on a software fix. Not good news for me that you all have working units. I'm about at my wits end with DN. I've been a loyal customer coming up on 7 years now. I might have to start considering what my options are.

Have a good weekend all,
George -bub
Im going to recommend you email


Someone in that office will probably be able to take care of you... enclose all that information you jsut posted so that they understand. Most likely they will give you a credit or a 510... it just depends.
Randy_B said:
Very sad to say, but Dish CSRs are notorious for making crap up. At times it is unbelievable what customers report they have been told. Because of the frequency at which this seems to happen, you gotta believe that management endorses or at least supports this "creativity".

What you say is true but I know that DISH management does NOT support CSR "creativity". I have spoke to management numerous times about the problem . I have also spoke to DirecTV management about the same problem; it seems to be a something that some "low level" employees seem to think will "enhance" their "career" if they do more than just follow the script. Every time I get "information" that I know isn't correct I make sure that I have the CSR's name and other information so I can let management know about the problem. The ONLY way that this problem will be corrected is to make sure that management is aware of it so they can take corrective action.

The DBS industry isn't the only industry that has this problem. Last month, when I was having problems with my DSL from the local phone company, a person in their repair department blamed my DSL problems on the cable company(???). I didn't even bother to argue with the person, I just called the phone company and asked to speak to a supervisor and told her the problem. She didn't make any excuses for the person, promised that person would get more training and made sure that my problem was looked into.
Three ideas for bub

1) How full is your hard drive. I remember reading on here lots of problems if the hard drive is almost completely full. So how many hours of free space do you have left?

2) If you are having problems with the guide, do you have a good signal from sat 110? (is that the one it gets the guide from or is the sat 119??)

I have seen weird recorder activity on my 510 and my dad's 522 when one sat was not dialed in very well. They both worked and recorded shows but were just flakey when the sat was not really dialed in well.

3) (i just remembered something i else i read here a few months ago) wasn't htere a bunch of bad sw21 switch that lots of folks on here had problems with? maybe you should try another multiswitch (maybe you already have).

Good luck, Hope you can get it worked out DN rules. Jon
3 ideas for bub...

Thanks for your interest in my problem...

My hard drive has 45 hours remaining.
I have Dish 500 and 61.5 wing for HD, my weakest signal is 98%.
I don't use SW21 switches, use a SW64.

I sent a letter to ceo@echostar and received a phone call from someone at the Corp office asking some questions. She seemed rather non-technical but nice. Said she would confer with her techs and 'get back to me'. So far, no return call.

As a side issue: TNT-HD is unwatchable, with the pixelation, jittery video and audio, freezing video (have to power on/off to clear) and the problem with DD decoding, I mean what's the use???

I will report back if I ever hear from DN again...

George -bub

converting a 105 to a 121 superdish?

TNTHD aspect ratio problem

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