Thanks Scott, but Dish seems prudish to me. All their porn appears straight and even then I cannot determine content based on descriptions. No one from Dish has ever asked me what I want to see and it looks like they don't want to know what I want to see. I am an "everything" subscriber paying $144 monthly and retention staff is not "authorized" to tell me the Dish individual responsible for GLBT programming decisions. I like Dish technical performance, but their marketing sucks. Dish has no idea how to go after niche audiences. I would be glad for them to employ me as GLBT marketing manager (I am a gay male and a retired marketing executive.) I certainly don't want Dish to fail, but as I look at their recent financial performance I am very concerned. I certainly don't think adding GLBT programming alone will keep them afloat, but their marketing department sure could use a good kick in the butt. I hope the poll I created will indicate they need to get their heads out of the sand. DISH NEEDS A NICHE MARKETING EXEXCUTIVE responsible for identifying niche markets and growing that side of the business. And there are many more niches than just sexual orientation.