Dish rescheduled my appointment!


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Pub Member / Supporter
Nov 20, 2004
Without my knowledge. Does this happen a lot? I was scheduled for an appt. on 12/2, 8am-12noon, for a 942 install. I just ordered it ( lease option ) from Dish on 11/18. Installer shows up today :mad: Long story short, I call Dish. It was rescheduled for today. How can that be I ask? I didn't change it. His reply is basically no idea. I then ask to put back the original date. Says he can't, because it's already booked. Best he can do is same day, but in the afternoon. Now I'm really pissed :mad: I'd install the unit myself, but I need them to swap out my legacy lnbfs and switch with DishPro ones.
Dish provides great programming at a good price, but their service leaves a lot to be desired.

I know it sucks but it happens everywhere, not just dish. Trying getting someone from the catv company to even come out at all. I've heard horror stories of people scheduling a service call 5 or 6 different times because nobody ever called or showed up.
Ok if you call after you make an apointment some times your initial apointment will get rescheduled by mistake. Lets say you call on a saturday and order the dishin it up promo for the 522, monday rolls around and you call back to ask about the 942 as your boss just told you that you got promoted and will be getting a raise of $5,000, you upgrade to that 942 and the date gets changed, even if all you did was call and change your programming or call to add a second receiver to the 522 it can change your original date.
Do not be surprised if it gets changed again another time or two and then if they do show up they show up late. Maybe you will get lucky though.
Stargazer said:
Do not be surprised if it gets changed again another time or two and then if they do show up they show up late. Maybe you will get lucky though.
I've been pretty lucky with installers showing up within the scheduled window. It was rescheduled for yesterday by Dish and the guys were there :) Too bad I didn't have the 942 in hand :( To make things worse, I called again last night to confirm the orginal date was re-instated. They had no record of the call to rant, earlier in the afternoon!
Cancel install

If you deal with Dish directly you deserve all the greif you can get. Try dealing with a local dealer who actually showes up when there suppost to. When you have Dish install your equipment and lord help if you have a problem, they will ask you to call your local dealer and get help from him! You local dealer will ask you "who" installed your equipment and then politely tell you to !@#@#$@#$@$#@$!
rnesky said:
If you deal with Dish directly you deserve all the greif you can get. Try dealing with a local dealer who actually showes up when there suppost to. When you have Dish install your equipment and lord help if you have a problem, they will ask you to call your local dealer and get help from him! You local dealer will ask you "who" installed your equipment and then politely tell you to !@#@#$@#$@$#@$!

It all has to do with the poor treatment that they give local dealers. They have again and again reduced reimbursement costs to installers to the point that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for installers. Good ones leave ever day for better pay and benefits.
I can back up what Mike500 is saying. The pay is crap now if any pay at all and its setup to where the customer wants everything free. If Dish does not pay much if anything and the customer doesn't either then there is no money to be made. The customer just switches to someone else in some cases. I do not blame them in some circumstances as the issue is not their fault and not the retailer's fault either. They try to get the retailer to do $19 service calls when it sometimes cost more than that to get the truck rolling. Before anyone says anything about the $2 a month the retailer gets that gets charged back along with the $19 if the customer cancels the warranty within a specific amount of time. If you refuse service calls you get charged $100-200 if you sign up to do the service calls.
Stargazer said:
I can back up what Mike500 is saying. The pay is crap now if any pay at all and its setup to where the customer wants everything free. If Dish does not pay much if anything and the customer doesn't either then there is no money to be made. The customer just switches to someone else in some cases. I do not blame them in some circumstances as the issue is not their fault and not the retailer's fault either. They try to get the retailer to do $19 service calls when it sometimes cost more than that to get the truck rolling. Before anyone says anything about the $2 a month the retailer gets that gets charged back along with the $19 if the customer cancels the warranty within a specific amount of time. If you refuse service calls you get charged $100-200 if you sign up to do the service calls.
Not sure what they get paid per call, but they should be covered for all their hardware costs, correct? In my case installer needs to swap out my lnbfs and sw64 switch to Dish pro ones and DPP44. All this is "free" for me , according to Dish. My only cost is the $250 up front lease fee.
If you do not have the DHPP warranty then it is $99. A local retailer may (and most times) charge less. With the warranty it is $29. If you call Dish Network then the retailer only gets $19 from the company. If you call the retailer directly they get $29. Sometimes it says to do what it takes to resolve the problem and to do the service call for free for the customer and Dish only pays $19. That wouldn't cover all costs in many cases. Most of the time its just a part that goes bad so its no big deal and most systems have no problem. Sometimes there is nothing wrong though and it was just something that the customer misunderstands something or does not know how to operate something.
rnesky said:
If you deal with Dish directly you deserve all the greif you can get. Try dealing with a local dealer who actually showes up when there suppost to. When you have Dish install your equipment and lord help if you have a problem, they will ask you to call your local dealer and get help from him! You local dealer will ask you "who" installed your equipment and then politely tell you to !@#@#$@#$@$#@$!

You know what, thats a load of bunk, do you really think that the local guys are always going to be better than the parent company? Sorry but obviously you dont read the threads here and see what others have said about horror stories after dealing with local guys, subs, retailers, rsp's, and yes dish techs and support. For every bad dish tech I can show you an equally bad tech at any of the other places, read the threads and you will see that there is a horror story for each one.
Van said:
You know what, thats a load of bunk, do you really think that the local guys are always going to be better than the parent company? Sorry but obviously you dont read the threads here and see what others have said about horror stories after dealing with local guys, subs, retailers, rsp's, and yes dish techs and support. For every bad dish tech I can show you an equally bad tech at any of the other places, read the threads and you will see that there is a horror story for each one.

It depends on the local guy as well. Some just dont give a f**k and only care about the money. Their retail installs are as sh!tty as their fulfillment installs. When i have a sale install, i take my time cause i am getting paid 2 and a half times more than a fulfillment install. I am also more likely to do extra things at no extra charge like phone lines, ota's, etc. Things that would normally charge the custom work rate ($59/hr).
Mike500 said:
It all has to do with the poor treatment that they give local dealers. They have again and again reduced reimbursement costs to installers to the point that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for installers. Good ones leave ever day for better pay and benefits.

Add other BS to that list like having to do wall drops for free, even though cable and D* get to charge extra for them.

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