Dish Remote Access for iPad - can't stream anything?


DVR Addict~Mad Scientist
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 16, 2004
Satsuma, AL
OK, so I fired up the Dish Remote Access app on my iPad last night and found all the BlockBuster stuff there. But when I tell it to stream something it tries to start but immediately fails with a popup titled "Playback Error" which says "Cannot initilize the library." (yes, "initialize" is spelled wrong).

I also notice the "My DVR" says it can't connect, though the ViP622 is and has been online for months.

Do these features actually work? Is it refusing to work because the device is jailbroken?

It's an iPad 2, on iOS 5.0.1, jailbroken with Absinthe.
Nobody wants to answer me so I did further research. My iPad 2 is going back to Apple due to a bad microphone I didn't notice until I tried to use it the other day. Prior to packing it for shipping I wiped it back to factory default 5.0.1 and installed the Dish app. It works fine. They've got some sort of jailbreak detection in there.
With the DISH Remote Access application you will only be able to stream content from your DVR, with the use of ViP922 receiver or a Sling Adapter connected to a ViP722/722k. Without the Sling Adapter and a compatible receiver you will only be able to access the On Demand content, and manage your DVR.
Sorry to disagree but I was certainly streaming blockbuster content that is not on the DVR.
RaymondG@Dish Network said:
With the DISH Remote Access application you will only be able to stream content from your DVR, with the use of ViP922 receiver or a Sling Adapter connected to a ViP722/722k. Without the Sling Adapter and a compatible receiver you will only be able to access the On Demand content, and manage your DVR.

When will on demand be available for iPhone ???
Sorry to disagree but I was certainly streaming blockbuster content that is not on the DVR.

The On Demand content includes Blockbuster @Home if you are subscribed to the service. I apologize for the way it was phrased in my earlier response. I was stating you can not stream content directly from the DVR to your mobile device without the use of the ViP922, or the ViP722/722k with an attached Sling Adapter.
Oh, I see what you meant, yes you are right. Completely different issue though.
FYI, the latest xCon (available in Cydia) seems to fix this issue, although it isn't specifically listed in the description. Using it and the latest version of the Dish app I am able to stream stuff on my jailbroken device.

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