DISH Remote Access Changes...

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Effective Thursday, August 25, 2011, the Dish Remote Access link on DISH.COM Website (My Account) will be replaced with a link to DISH Online. While customers can still enjoy their favorite DRA features by using DISH Online, it also provides access to thousands of free On Demand TV shows and movies. Customers can login to unlock exclusive content from the networks they subscribe to at home, with over 20,000 free shows and movies available.

Please note that this does not impact the DRA App for mobile devices.

how to access DISH Online one of three ways.
1. Go to, click the Login link and use the same username and password used for
2. Go to and click the DISH Online tab.
3. Log into and click on the DISH Online link located in the My Account section in DISH.COM Website. Note that customers using this route may be prompted to login again when they get to DISH Online.
I take great offense at dish's "... can still enjoy their favorite DRA features by useing Dish Online.." There are MULTIPLE things that DRA does BETTER than DO does, and some things that DO doesn't do at all.

F**king dish ... can't create a better DRA, doesn't listen or response for feedback on DO, wow.. two plus years of DRA taught Dish nothing..

OH... and that bug with starting a DVR event starts it playing on TV1 is still there (or was this past weekend when I tested).

big surprise ... you know how Craig Ferguson says "CBS Cares" ... that's how I say "Dish Cares" ... 'tards.

EDIT: A new one .. in testing VOD from the 722k ... I "rented" two free events ... I go to DRA, they are at the bottom of the list (sorted by date, however there's no proper date for the events) but I can play them just fine using DRA. I go to DishOnline .. they are listed at the VERY TOP of DishOnline's View DVR page ... with a play button next to them .. yet pressing play gives a message "Rental playback on DISH Online is currently not supported with the Sling Adapter"

Additionally there is no way to delete either of these "Rentals" from Dish Online .. but from DRA I have the standard functions available, Play/Resume on web, play/resume on TV, delete, and Record/Record All.

That's not to say that DRA is innocent .. I mentioned the two events are listed at the end/bottom of the list of DVR events ... date field missing/messed up .. and additionally both "Rental" events are listed under *ONE* of the event's names ... as if both "rental" items were of the same "Series" (I guess they lumped them based on being a VOD event)

And Lastly.. I did just check, the DO play bug is still there.. pressed play on a DVR event, it immediately started playing on TV1
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Is Dish Online a free service that comes with all programming packages? Or is it something you have to pay for as an individual service or that requires some sort of prerequisite like a DVR?
Is Dish Online a free service that comes with all programming packages? Or is it something you have to pay for as an individual service or that requires some sort of prerequisite like a DVR?
DishOnline is psuedo free ... you have to be a dish subscriber, and to access DishOnline you have to have internet access and a device capable of connecting (PC, Android or Iphone/I-whatever) to the site that can run the plugins/apps as required by the site.

After *that* restriction.. you are only granted access to 3rd party content that you have in your subscription package. If you subscribe to AT250 ... and no premiums, then you won't get access to HBO, Starz, Max, etc.. You *might* get access to any "Free Preview" items, but that's few and far between, and in the past its been highly problematic, even a couple of people that had the "3 months free" ended up having to repeatedly chat dish tech support to get info or resolution on the problems.

As to DVR... only required for content you want to record to the DVR drive, timer settings, etc.. and that only works with VIP receivers, a 211k can be made into a DVR, but it can't be controlled (yet/currently) from on line.

Additionally to get access to "Live TV" you need to have a Sling Adapter and compatible DVR.
[expletive deleted] OK, now that I've got that off my chest, I'm going to contribute something... Ah... Looking for a silver lining.

Maybe this is prelude to unbinding our account login credentials with DO so that we can give it out to other family members. In the best of all possible splits, I would still like the DRA of yore only available to me, to prevent arbitrary individuals from recording or deleting stuff they have no business recording or deleting. A play-only DO could be useful, if it worked right and had different login credentials than my main account.
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well it would be .... "stupid" ? of them to do this now.. I mean.. isn't "beta" supposed to mean the period in which you finalize your features, iron out the last of the bugs... etc. etc. etc. ?

I think its more of an issue with not having been to the site (Scott's warning for login again) ... sorry I know.. just ol' doom and gloom TG2... :facepalm

LOL :)
I guess I am missing something because I fail to see how you can manage your DVR with this Dish Remote Access.

Are you supposed to be able to edit Timers on the DRA site? If not it is useless to me.
I guess I am missing something because I fail to see how you can manage your DVR with this Dish Remote Access.

Are you supposed to be able to edit Timers on the DRA site? If not it is useless to me.

You WERE supposed to be able to. Now it's just DO which is CRAP!
**First** if you had saved a link to the Login Screen that you'd get directed to for DRA when the DRA link was on the My Account menu... you could (for now) use that to get into DRA.

Alternatively ... you can try logging in via ... that still works (but again for how long no one knows except the a**es at Dish)

You go to the "MY DVR" tab .. and then on the LEFT side select Timers


Now select a timer, and you can edit, delete, etc..


Priority allows you to adjust firing preferences ... Dr who is most important in my timers.. so come hell or high water, that should fire and trump any other conflict (unless I intervene on a single instance of the show)
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I still have the link to the old site.

I was wondering if I missed something on the new site that provides for DVR Timer editing.

Until that function appears on the new site, the old one needs to stay around.
Thanks. I have never been able to log in via directly. For now, this still works.
So if you go.. .and put in the same email address and password that you use for access to your account via Dish Network (dot com) ... that doesn't work for you? :( damned dish :facepalm
So if you go.. .and put in the same email address and password that you use for access to your account via Dish Network (dot com) ... that doesn't work for you?
Correct; it does not and never has. Must have screwed up my account at Slingmedia somehow.
Correct; it does not and never has. Must have screwed up my account at Slingmedia somehow.
damn! ... well that just blows then.. because even when you have the link saved.. there are times the new authentication they do (through amazon's cloud) is just spiteful.. nearly kills my IE session ... and usually end up killing it myself just to restart IE and go in through ...
One of my favorite features of DRA is the ability to Scan all the HD Movies on Today (wish it could do "Tomorrow" too), and pick movies to record. I can't find any way to do this in Dish Online. Anyone ?

Also, I'm having a hard time with today. Getting lots of SQL errors.
Not sure, but I think they finally killed off DRA for good now. I tried dishonline, and go figure, my login that works at returns with "Not a valid login" on DO.
I just tested and got in with no problems! and more surprising my account opened up on THIRTY THREE! 33!!?? cripes when did they get the next set in? ... up till about 2 months ago the highest I found was dish16! :)

I still suspect the back end is either connected with slings (hidden behind Akamai load-balancers) or its used for Dish Remote Access APPs on the Iphone & Android. So far haven't gotten any confirmation.

3H ... when you go are you getting an error message or something? (ie. refresh the page in the browser a couple times, and SHIFT Refresh ... etc.)
It gives me the old sling login page when I log in via that link I posted. Guess it'll be back sometime if it still works for you... Still don't understand why DO won't let me log in though...

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