Dish online access - no slngbox


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 13, 2005
I have a 722K without a sling adaptar. I have been remotely accessing my DVR through Dish online for quite awhile and watching full recorded programs. Within the last few days when I go online to access my DVR and try to watch a show, I get a prompt telling me I need a sling adaptar. The site clearly sees my DVR and lists all my shows. What has changed?
I have a 722K without a sling adaptar. I have been remotely accessing my DVR through Dish online for quite awhile and watching full recorded programs. Within the last few days when I go online to access my DVR and try to watch a show, I get a prompt telling me I need a sling adaptar. The site clearly sees my DVR and lists all my shows. What has changed?

You can watch programs on DISHonline with out a Sling Adapter via the On Demand link but those would not be coming from your DVR. It will allow you to manage your DVR if it is connected to the internet but you can only watch recordings with a Sling Adapter.
Thanks Zach. How do you account for the fact that I was able to watch DVR shows up till a few days ago, and now I can't. It tries to sell me a sling adaptar.
Thanks Zach. How do you account for the fact that I was able to watch DVR shows up till a few days ago, and now I can't. It tries to sell me a sling adaptar.

Without a Sling Adapter the receiver is not capable of view DVR recordings via DISH Online. The Sling Adapter is what allows it to stream content from your DVR.
If you were ever able to watch your DVR recordings with Dish Online without a sling adapter, then you must have gotten that magic 722K that Bigfoot had.. Oh.. by the way.. Zach is right.. You could never have watched your recordings without a sling... Sorry..
DishOnline is deliberately misleading. You think you are selecting a program for playback from your DVR, but instead you get the direct DishOnline stream. I would guess that is what the OP is talking/confused about.
I have to go with Spec on this. About a year ago I was able to access my dvr, schedule recordings, delete events, and watch recorded events. Not linked to a website viewing. I know this because it would access them just as i do at home and pickup where I left off, that is until about 4 or 5 months ago when I found I could no longer do this without a sling adapter. They can say what they want, but those of us who did this before know the truth. That is that as with most things Dish allowed something great then realized money could be made and whoosh away it goes until you pony up the dough.
What is this? Mass hallucination? Nobody was ever able to watch their DVR remotely without some place shifting device or another. This means Sling or Hava or Sony... Were there any others? You could indeed watch your DVR and control it perfectly well, locally and possibly even remotely too, via one of these devices and a standalone client. Just this evening I was watching my 722 w/Sling Adapter locally via the SlingPlayer 2.0.3508 (though it was SD).

If you have no Sling Adapter or Slingbox or Slingloaded DVR, then I say "hallucination"!
I used to be able to change the channel etc through the website, along with see a list of timer conflicts, but could not see video on the computer, as I don't have a slingbox. Now it seems that many of those functions have been removed from dishonline. Maybe there's some confusion and these functions are what people are missing.
Now if there's any reason a recording isn't going to happen, it is not shown at all in the list of recordings for the timer. That's what's irritating me with the dishonline changes.
Thanks thechaz. I wasn't going to reply because the response started characterizing me as misinformed or hallucinating. The facts are:
I do not have a sling adaptar.
I do have a 722K
I am connected to broadband.
On Sunday 10/30/2011 I connected to my home DVR from my computer at work.
I saw my list of recordings and selected the new show "Grimm" which I had recorded on Friday.
The show played in its entierty. (I'm not crazy.)
Fast forward one week to Sunday 11/6/2011 and I tried the same process exactly.
The prompt I got is that I must have a sling adaptar to view my recorded shows.
Now if Dish change their policy in midstream, I could live with it, but don't characterize me as crazy. I know what I did. It appears they are pushing us toward buying yet another piece of hardware.
Spec, I didn't mean to offend anybody with the "hallucination" comment; I was being facetious. But you did not, I repeat DID NOT, watch any content on DO originating from your DVR without a Sling device of some sort. You simply didn't do what you think you did. Sorry. And Dish is not trying to screw you out of more money to use Sling technology, since the Adapter is now free after gift card.

My advice at this point would normally be to get the Sling Adapter and have fun. But, having bought one for $99 on day one, and having it work poorly if at all through the web interface, I'd have to say I made an ill-informed decision. I thought there would be a standalone SlingPlayer coming down the pike. Instead, Sling has abandoned their standalone player even for old Slingbox owners. This sucks big time; it unnecessarily ties us to Dish servers with their manifold problems, forces an Internet connection even for local LAN traffic, and egregiously slows down the stream control and playback beyond my tolerance.

For free, I'd say it's worth it even if you hate the web interface as I do. But, had I to do it over again, knowing what I know now, I would have stuck by my Hava Platinum. You can get one of those to work with a crossover cable!
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I'm betin, he used dish on line, via hulu....and there were no comercials?
Without a Sling Adapter the receiver is not capable of view DVR recordings via DISH Online. The Sling Adapter is what allows it to stream content from your DVR.
Zach- whats the chance of providing Dish Online utilizing the Google/Logitech device? It would be simple to at least have an app added to the updated Revue when it comes? It would appear that since Dish sells the Logitech device it should work across all products from Dish?

Which HD DVR receiver to get?

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