DISH on DEMAND vs Pay Per View?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 10, 2005
I just found Dish on Demand, now activated on my 622, which has a list of movies I can now "download" for 24 hrs and watch anytime, but cannot record to the hard-drive. The prices are not lower, but sometimes higher than the corresponding Pay Per View movie--such as Pride & Prejudice is $3.99 on PPV, but $4.99 on DOD.

Also, no indication that there are any DOD movies in HD to download.

So what is the advantage of the DOD? Just watching something at anytime you want. Well, I can do that by buying and recording the PPV movie, also.

Now, if they offered DOD in HD and at a lower price than the current #$5.99 on PPV HD, which has very few movies, then, maybe it would be of interest.

I called CSR and she didn't have a clue as to what I wanted to know. I don't think she even knew that DOD was now active!

On Charter Cable in St Louis, we were visiting my sister in law and she was selecting Movies on Demand and they were FREE! You were just limited to what was on the playlist, however.

Where do I find out more about DOD--such as are they going to have HD movies? Why the higher prices, etc?

Also, if I order DOD, does it use the phone line to order?
Ok, the thing with dish on demand is...

alot of the movies are avaible there first before they hit the ppv channels.

At this time there are no HDDOD movies.. and yes its the convience of watching anytime you want :)
IMO there is no point and has never been a point of Pay Per View or on demand since DVDs have come out, the quality just blows in comparison.

and cable companies that are now starting HDOD does not include any movies, just the same imax crap that dish shows on it's expensive PPV channel.
BFG said:
IMO there is no point and has never been a point of Pay Per View or on demand since DVDs have come out, the quality just blows in comparison.

and cable companies that are now starting HDOD does not include any movies, just the same imax crap that dish shows on it's expensive PPV channel.

Actually, Comcast does have several HD movies on demand that aren't IMAX. For a while we had Jerry Maguire, Fifth Element, Ten Commandments, and I think another movie or two that were free. I find their selection of HD VOD movies pretty decent given what I've heard about D* and E*'s HD PPV. As for actual pay VOD movies, they've had War of the Worlds, Madagascar, plenty of others.
I doubt that your cable co offers Dish on Demand, they might offer OnDemand though. . .
Dish On Demand is a flawed concept.

If I wanted OnDemand programming I would get a digital converter from comcrap.

Comcrap has many OnDemand channels for free.

Dish On Demand charges for everything.

And who would pay $4.99 for a PPV movie that you could just order for $3.99 and use the DVR to record.
David_Levin said:
Hopefully no one will order Dish-On-Demand and eventually they'll give up and give us access to the extra hdd space.

Now that's a million dollar idea.:)

Heat Sinks on 6000 Chips

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