Dish Network reps not trained well and mess up a LOT


New Member
Original poster
Aug 7, 2010
Below is the conversation I had with a representative of DISH NETWORK. I am so so Unhappy with Dish, this is not the first, second, third or 10th time they have messed up my account, they have people in the Phillipines and other parts of the world, DISH Network outsources their jobs.
I want to tell anyone that has DISH network or anyone who is thinking about getting DISH Network to THINK TWICE before going on with them.
Just read below and you can tell, they can't even do a simple task.

Thank you for being a valued Dish Network customer. I will be happy to assist you today.
Mark : hello
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: How can I provide you with the best value and service today?
Mark : why is my statement I'm trying to print off in Spanish, how can I convert it over to English?
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I apologize for the inconvenience.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: Please give me two - three minutes to pull up your account and assist you further.
Mark : thank you
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: To ensure I have the correct account pulled up, can you verify the answer to your security question on your web account?
Mark : what is that
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: The question is 'What is your City of Birth?"
Mark : I will answer it'
Mark : Omaha
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: Thank you.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: Let me update your account.
Mark : why is it saying Im spanish?
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: It was set to be sent in Spanish format.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: Let me correct this.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
Mark : I have had so so so many problems with this company
Mark : now I'm Spanish when I'm not
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: You will start getting your statements in English format starting on your 8/10 bill.
Mark : what is up with that
Mark : I need the previous statements done in ENGLISH, that is where I'm PROUD to be born
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: i will make sure that your feedback will be forwarded to our management.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: You can check your July bill now on your web account.
Mark : in order to do that, I need to sign off with you, but I will print off this conversation to put with my other bad experiences with this company. I will also tell others that sell for dish and show them all the documents I have, then I will ask them, "Would you sign up for a company that does all these mistakes?" I think they will say "NO"
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: Please go to this link and try to log in again:
The agent is sending you to
Mark : do you not know what your doing?
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: We verified and we won't be able to update the July bill so you can view it in English.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I apologize for the inconvenience.
Mark : it's not my fault though, it was always in English before
Mark : I'm sure you do, it's not you, it's the proper training that is not offered correctly to the people like you
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I can understand your frustration.
Mark : but I will tell you I need a ENGLISH statement on July right now
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: We would really appreciate if you can send us your feedback regarding your experience.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: You can email us at:
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: As much as we want to, we won't be able to send you your July bill in English format.
Mark : Your a HUGE business with one of the best technologies out there and you can't do a simple thing as that on a computer?
Mark : I have already forwarded our conversation via to and I will send this portion after where done
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: We really won't be able to do that.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I have not heard from you in a while and your chat window shows you've been idle, are you still with me?
Mark : yes
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: Thank you.
Mark : I was just e-mailing another message through the Dish Network site on this issue, I'm so so HAPPY that I record everything, keep all documents, etc... so I will have a CASE with DISH on Poor customer service handling of my account and funds.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: You do have the option to do that.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: And again, your feedback is highly appreciated.
Mark : if it was highly appreciated don't you think all those situations before would have been handled better, that is if DISH fixed what the problem was
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: i do understand that mark.
Mark : so, HOW can I get my account in ENGLISH for the Past statements?
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: We do not have the means to do that.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: What we did is to make sure all your bills moving forward will be sent in English format.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: We won't waste your time if this option is available.
Mark : then I don't have the means to pay you, if you can't provide what your promised by your company
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I understand.
Mark : don't you know this is the United States of America and not MEXICO
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I understand.
Mark : where are you located at?
Mark : are you an American?
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: No. I'm a Filipino and we are located in the Philippines.
Mark : I will forward everything we chatted about to the V.P. of Dish and tell him no one was able to give me an answer but a "I understand", "I understand", etc.. etc..
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I apologize for the inconvenience.
Mark : I'm going to all Dish Network forum sites and copy/paste everything on what experience I have had with you all.
Mark : enjoy the Ride...
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: Again, your feedback is highly appreciated.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: We have noticed that you have been idle for more than 30 seconds. If there is no response, your session will disconnect in two minutes. Thank you for choosing Dish Network.
(03mk) Charina B.TW8: I apologize, however due to the lack of response I will now be ending this chat session. Please feel free to chat back any time with additional questions or concerns. Thank you for using Dish Network Live Chat!
Thank you for visiting Dish Network. You may now close this window.
AT&T had so much trouble with foreign reps - India, Mexico, Philippines, they move ALL support back to the US.

Of course, the fact that they moved their internal trouble shooting department to India, and the contract for the unions came up about a year later, and the unions demanded they move those jobs back to the US or they would strike didn't hurt the consumers one bit.

lol funny, and its always the same "scripted" "Copy and Paste" responses online.. I get tired of it so much as I wish the CSR's would just type their own responses.
Just to clear this up...
Dish does have call centers over seas, but they also hae 10 call centers in the US.

I understand that, but, given the economy, and the fact they make lots of money off of US residents, they should keep the call centers entirely in the US.

Sorry, this nonsense of shipping everything overseas is for the birds. It's hurting US Citizens - legitimate US Citizens by taking money out of the pockets of people with kids to feed and mortgages to pay.

I won't debate or flame this further, but my company no longer does business with anyone who outsources technical work or call centers. In business, we have a choice of who we can, and will, work with.

Level (3) communications brought all of their tech support. and customer service, BACK to the US - Texas and Colorado.

Megapath is another provider we work with because, they too, brought all of their tech support and customer service BACK to the US = California and Massachusetts.

BOB Broadband deals exclusively with US Customer Service.

AT&T is, once again, all US based customer service.

Menards is starting to spotlight items made in the USA. We should all begin to think the same way and celebrate this Country to make it well again - not send what little work we DO have to another country - whether it is manufacturing or service sector.

My bank is 100% US owned and operated - and they weren't involved in the financial hanky-panky either: they pay good interest rates and know me on a first name basis when I walk in the door. What money we did have in a bank that was bought out by a foreign entity we moved.

If more people started to deal only with companies who use US BASED customer service and tech support, the other companies would get the message and the attitude - and quality - of customer service would change QUICKLY.

Fortunately, the employees in both China and India are beginning to demand US level wages so they can afford US style toys. As that happens, the cost advantage of using overseas tech support and customer service will go away completely - probably within the next 5 years of so.

Keep the work, and the money, in the USA.

That's all I will say on the subject, so please do not ask me to debate it further.
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Hear hear chicagonettech!!!! I agree with everything you say. Too bad most Americans flock to Walmart et al to buy Chinese junk they throw in the garbage.

Everyone needs to take a stand and refuse the offshore crap!!
you were proud to be born in english? what does that mean?
If you wanted results, you shouldn't be using the chat btw
Scott Greczkowski said:
Almost all of DISH Networks Tech Support is now US based.

I have no idea however where they get these people to run the chat.

Comcast's phone support is located in Michigan. Where I live. All of the phone support is US based. The chat is routed overseas sadly.
i don't see why people waste their time on the chat. it is worthless and full of canned copy/paste lines
Wow. All fhat show is you being a jackass to an individual in another country trying to feed his family.

How many times do you want them to tell you they cant give you your statement in english.

besides every company in america is outsourcing to other countrues. If they didnt, all your crap you buy and pay for would be atleast 2 to 10 times more expensive.

you seem so mad that they outsource, but i guarantee the pants/undrwear/socks/shirt/shoes you are wearing were not made in america.

If you have ever bought anythong made elsewhere, you are a hipocrite.
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isaacmorse98 said:
Comcast's phone support is located in Michigan. Where I live. All of the phone support is US based. The chat is routed overseas sadly.

Comcast support is local. In Livermore ca their is a Comcast customer service department. The one good thing about Comcast is that all of their customer support is local.
tomcrown1 said:
Comcast support is local. In Livermore ca their is a Comcast customer service department. The one good thing about Comcast is that all of their customer support is local.

Yet their recievers are probably made in taiwan. Like everybody else, or am i wrong. I hope so.
I don't know why we even have an option to have the bill in spanish anyways. The Latino customers don't pay the bill anyways when it comes due, as they are among the highest group of customers who are most likely to disconnect.

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