I have a Fortec FC90P dish and DG-280 motor with standard LNB and Fortec Classic NA receiver.
Here's the info from Dishpointer:
Your Location - (not really but close.)
Latitude: 33.582°
Longitude: -112.136°
Satellite Data
Name: Powertech DG240
Distance: 37023km
Dish Setup Data
Motor Latitude Angle: 33.6°
Azimuth (true): 180.0°
Azimuth (magn.): 168.6°
Declination angle: 5.5°
Dish elevation: 30°
I set the motor latitude to 33.6 (half way between 33 and 34) and the dish elevation to 30. The dish was mounted on the motor shaft at zero and pointing to zero per the directions.
With the motor mount loose on the pole, I eyeballed true south from a compass. After some trial and error, I found a TP on my true south sat 111.1W and adjusted the dish for the best quality. It works, but only sort of...
I can see stuff on 129W, 123W, 101W, 97W, 89W.
87W was really flakey. I could only see two feeds, but not the other stuff. A tree is near that sat, so maybe that is the problem there.
On 123W, I can get stuff on TP 11720, but only at 40% quality - watchable. On TP 11800 quality is 33% or less - no good. TP 12114 is also 40%.
I have readjusted several times and that's about the best I can get. The LNB is new. The cable to the motor is new. The cable between the motor and the LNB was OK the last time I used it. The dish was bought new, but it was stored for a year or two before using it.
I rechecked the motor mount for plumb. Using an angle finder, if shows 90 degrees in both directions.
The dish was checked for warp. Face down, it layed flat on a concrete slab.
One thing that is weird is that the dish elevation is only 22.5 degrees, not 30 degrees as the instructions recommended. When the dish is adjusted to get best signal, the dish elevation is 22.5.
Could the LNB arm be bent? How could I check for that?
What else could I check for? Ideas?
Here's the info from Dishpointer:
Your Location - (not really but close.)
Latitude: 33.582°
Longitude: -112.136°
Satellite Data
Name: Powertech DG240
Distance: 37023km
Dish Setup Data
Motor Latitude Angle: 33.6°
Azimuth (true): 180.0°
Azimuth (magn.): 168.6°
Declination angle: 5.5°
Dish elevation: 30°
I set the motor latitude to 33.6 (half way between 33 and 34) and the dish elevation to 30. The dish was mounted on the motor shaft at zero and pointing to zero per the directions.
With the motor mount loose on the pole, I eyeballed true south from a compass. After some trial and error, I found a TP on my true south sat 111.1W and adjusted the dish for the best quality. It works, but only sort of...
I can see stuff on 129W, 123W, 101W, 97W, 89W.
87W was really flakey. I could only see two feeds, but not the other stuff. A tree is near that sat, so maybe that is the problem there.
On 123W, I can get stuff on TP 11720, but only at 40% quality - watchable. On TP 11800 quality is 33% or less - no good. TP 12114 is also 40%.
I have readjusted several times and that's about the best I can get. The LNB is new. The cable to the motor is new. The cable between the motor and the LNB was OK the last time I used it. The dish was bought new, but it was stored for a year or two before using it.
I rechecked the motor mount for plumb. Using an angle finder, if shows 90 degrees in both directions.
The dish was checked for warp. Face down, it layed flat on a concrete slab.
One thing that is weird is that the dish elevation is only 22.5 degrees, not 30 degrees as the instructions recommended. When the dish is adjusted to get best signal, the dish elevation is 22.5.
Could the LNB arm be bent? How could I check for that?
What else could I check for? Ideas?