Dish Farm Pics - Holy cow!!!

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SatelliteGuys Pro
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Supporting Founder
Jan 27, 2005
I ran across this farm picture on the net...

I feel pretty confident he doesn't need a motor to see the entire arc.


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I have got to show my wife that pic, she thinks I am nuts with only 4 dishes....

so what would your wife say about this?
(its a little outdated...I've moved some dishes around)


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wellllllllllllllll i hate to say it but she would probably think you are nuts also ;) but what does she know....... she wants me to take the other BUD (solid fiberglass) i have and use it for the roof of a 10' round gazebo LOL

Personally i think that pic of your sat farm is a work of art :)
Your lucky Iceberg, it looks like you have no problems with LOS issues. I have to be very carefull on where i plant a dish, there is only one spot on my property that can see the whole arc, and that is very small area on the roof of my house. Anywhere else and i run into problems with "chainsaw food".

I like the way Mike has his tower set up, that is truly awesome. Hmmmmmmmm i wonder if a tower would make it thru the WAP (wife approval process)? ;)
Iceberg, you are correct, I did get the picture from Mike Kohls site. That was my first visit there. Its kinda funny, I was surfing the net during a conference call at work and came across the above picture. I caught myself saying, "Good God" out loud during the call about employee relations and atittude toward customers.:)

Anyway, now everyone at work knows... Oh well, they all got to see something you don't normally see, even in this hobby.:rolleyes:

Kinda looks like a childrens playhouse that now provides coverage of the whole arc, or like Berlin said... every channel in the arc!

Maybe Mike Kohl himself can answer this one...
drhydro said:
Your lucky Iceberg, it looks like you have no problems with LOS issues. I have to be very carefull on where i plant a dish, there is only one spot on my property that can see the whole arc, and that is very small area on the roof of my house. Anywhere else and i run into problems with "chainsaw food".

No LOS issues here.
Can see from 30 (if I remove the brace from the one dish) over to 148. Only problem is I can’t put a bigger dish up unless I weld a longer pole because of the roof. Can’t mount it on the other side of the roof because that way too high up (and I’d have to run 100+ foot cables)

2nd motorized setup can see from 61-approx 115. The pole is shorter so anything after 115 scrapes the roof.
HOA must be a real pain in the a$$ when trying to do anything. Iceberg, you were grandfathered in I thought, correct?
questic said:
HOA must be a real pain in the a$$ when trying to do anything. Iceberg, you were grandfathered in I thought, correct?

They think I am.

The FCC rule says I can put as many dishes up as I want as long as they are less than one meter (39.XX inches). All of mine are (20", 2 30", 36", 37x27, 39x23)

My HOA (well, one guy..the old head of it) tried to invoke a one dish rule. Problem is Minneapolis has a wing dish for locals. They said I was “grandfathered” but that was for 4 dishes. I now have 6 :D

A month later I showed him the FCC ruling and there were 2 other people who wanted a second dish for locals. The HOA basically laughed at the head of the HOA (the one who invoked the rule) because they knew there'd be issues. The rest of the HOA didn’t care as long as it was neat and tidy. The rule got dropped.

The new head asked me if I installed dishes for a living because it was “so professional” : )
The head of HOA is just jealous he doesn't have a dish farm like yours or Mike's:D

Maybe you should show hime the pic of Mike's and tell him that is what you are planning to put up next minus the C-band dish.

Get his blood pressure up, its good for old guys every once and a while!
ultatryon said:
Ice, you have LOS issues, remember that dish in the way of the other dish?

that's only if I mount a dish on the deck railing. The 2 I have there now (39x23 DirecPC for G3 and 36" for G10) are OK. :)
Tron said:
Ice, tell the HOA that if they don't make an exception for a BUD for you, you'll wallpaper your roof with 1 meter Channel Masters!!! :D

Since the only spot to put it would be off the deck, I would have MAJOR LOS issues. I can't put it in the front unless I drilled in the driveway :)

(translation...bergie needs to move)
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question for Pete or anyone.

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