How does the 622 convert 1920 x 1080i to 1280 x 720p and vice-versa? There is only one option on the 622 for output resolution (you can't set it at native resolution), so how does the 622 do this conversion, and is it any good?
The reason I ask is because I have a 1080i only RPTV (see signature), and it appears to me that the 1280 x 720p channels are not as nicely reproduced as the 1920 x 1080i, 1440 x 1080i, and 1280 x 1080i channels. Thanks for the info!
The reason I ask is because I have a 1080i only RPTV (see signature), and it appears to me that the 1280 x 720p channels are not as nicely reproduced as the 1920 x 1080i, 1440 x 1080i, and 1280 x 1080i channels. Thanks for the info!