DIRECTV Transponder Map ~ Data 12/04/2024

In addition to the BTN and Revolt changes, the MLS Season Pass channels have been hidden for the off-season

WLAE/32 is now live for New Orleans

9756 PPGEM - Protection Plan Gemini Offer is now live

An internet delivered i24 News is testing
Found something interesting in that analysis, what I assume is the i24 stream test channel (*DTV/9813) has no Notes0, and says "<<Parsing of the object aborted!>>" for its Notes1. Seems like that's from the equipment you guys are using to generate the analyses rather than some kind of mess-up made on DirecTV's end. Just thought I'd mention it as I've never seen that before on any other analysis I've looked at.
An internet delivered i24 News is testing
Just so I'm keeping all this straight (from previous posts back in Sept) - so i24 will switch from being delivered from a 3rd party server, to delivery directly from DTV servers, correct? Which means it will then be removed from all non-Genie receiver guides?
And it's being added to DTV stream as well?
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