DirecTV Seeks Sat Move to Canadian Slot

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Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Las Vegas, Nevada
From our friends at

DirecTV said it asked the Federal Communications Commission for authority to move its DirecTV 5 satellite into an orbital slot controlled by Telesat Canada.

Under the proposal, DirecTV 5 would be moved into the Canadian orbital location at 72.5 degrees, which DirecTV said would allow it to expand local TV service to a minimum of 130 U.S. markets by the end of this year. DirecTV committed to expanding its local TV slate as a part of News Corp.'s takeover of the satellite TV company and Hughes Electronics.

DirecTV said its goal is to begin rollout of local-into-local service to additional markets by early April.

The DirecTV 5 spacecraft would remain at 72.5 degrees until the launch of Telesat's new DBS satellite. Telesat's bird would provide the ability to ensure continuity of service at the 72.5-degree location. DirecTV 5 would use capacity at 72.5 degrees through 2008.

Customers will access local channel service from 72.5 degrees with the addition of a second 18-inch satellite dish, DirecTV said.

The arrangement with regard to DirecTV 5 is contingent on the successful launch of the DirecTV 7S satellite later this quarter. DirecTV 7S will replace DirecTV 5 at 119 degrees, freeing up the latter satellite for its move to 72.5 degrees, assuming FCC approval is granted for the relocation, the company said.
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