I've been checking out the other threads and it seems most people are having trouble w/ their even transponders. In my case I'm having trouble w/ my odd transponders. I've had the system installed for about six months w/ trouble free operation. I have a terk oval dish w/ built in multiswitch going to a terk 5x8 powered multiswitch and all 8 lines connected to receivers or tivo boxes. On the left half of the multiswitch I am having no problems, seeing good signal strength (80-97), except for the spotbeams not being received on certain transponders. On the right half of the multiswitch, some receivers have long lines to them on this side, I get a dancing signal strength (from 0-45-80-50-0, etc) or no signal at all. We just had a good rain storm, could this be some sort of water intrusion into the coax or at a splice. It started when one receiver was searching for sat yet all others had signal on all channels. I moved a receiver over to that room to see if it was a receiver problem, still no channels. But when I moved the receiver I used to test back to its original location, it couldn't find sat either, no signal on all transponders. When I woke up in the morning I had the situation I described above, no odd and good even. I get good picture on some channels and pixilated, freeze or searching for sat on the others. A buddy said it was most likely a bad multiswitch, but I don't understand how a multiswitch could only be bad on one side. And plus, I don't want to pay for a new one if I don't have too.
Side not: It seems that people on this forum are much nicer than the others (ie auto and game forums). Thanks for any help.
Side not: It seems that people on this forum are much nicer than the others (ie auto and game forums). Thanks for any help.