Directv Inauguration Mix Channel

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Directv will have a Inauguration Mix channel on Channel 102(SD) & Channel 352(HD) from 10am to 5pm on January 20th.

More info here: DIRECTV: Interactive Channels

Also Directv will be showing We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial," on HBO, January 18 at 7 pm ET/PT on Channels 70(HD), 501 & 504
All customer will be able to watch this on HBO because of a HBO Free Preview weekened from Jan 15-18.

Click here to record this event to your DVR!

More info here: DIRECTV: 2009 Presidential Inauguration
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oops...I am sorry....Thought I had the first scoop on something...LOL
Mix channels are a total waste of space. whats the point of seeing 8 channels at once when you can only have the audio on for one of them? and why do they show the SD versions and when you select one to tune to it goes to the SD version too? get rid of them DirecTV, they totally suck!
Mix channels are a total waste of space. whats the point of seeing 8 channels at once when you can only have the audio on for one of them? and why do they show the SD versions and when you select one to tune to it goes to the SD version too? get rid of them DirecTV, they totally suck!

I was watching the sports mix channel at my girlfriend's mom's house, and when I selected the channel, it went to the HD version, where possible. Not sure if it makes a difference, but her guide is set to ignore any SD version of HD feeds (a very helpful feature that I wish I could find on Dish, so I don't have to spend time making these stupid favorite lists...).

Also, what would be your alternative to hearing the audio for one of them?...
Thank you Directv. Love the mix channels.

Can we have more? Say a KIDS mix, Comedy Mix, and a movie Mix

THey only take up the same bandwidth as a normal SD channel and you can advertise at the time of them to make more money.
I am trying to understand why have a Mix channel for the coverage of the Obama coronation? The chosen one can only be in one spot at a time and they are likely to use a pool camera for the shot anyway. Different views of the boring parade or various shots from the different balls? I have been to two inaugurations and there is not much to see.
Well in Back to the Future Part II Marty Jr. made a custom mix channel with audio from all 8 channels simultaneously. He didn't even press any buttons, it was all by voice commands. When will we have that technology? The movie was made in 1989 for God's sake!

I'm going to watch the inauguration on CSPAN, they don't have a bunch of biased pundits who love to hear themselves talk or a bunch of useless graphics, and its commercial free. I wish it was in HD though
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itll be on the regular News Mix channels: 102 for SD, 352 for HD (not 325, that's the new all country music video channel Artists and Fans Network)
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when are we getting more premium channels / HD premium channels?

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