Is the HR21 used as a two room system?
Right, DirecTV allows you to have a separate receiver in each room and does not force you into the limitations you get when you try to use a single receiver for two TVs.
Nor does D* sock you with the bogus $5 "no phoneline" penalty, regardless of how many receivers/rooms you have...
I always had a per receiver fee with Dish, just as I do with DirecTV. Not sure what you mean about the fee being waived.
Being a dealer for DirecTV and Dish Network, I always take issue when someone calls this phone line thing a penalty. If you have extra rooms with DirecTV, they charge you a $5.00 fee for each room above the first.. Dish actually gives you the option to have that fee waived for a second room if you plug to a phone line.. So to me that's not a penalty, it's a bonus. I know there are those that seem to look at it differently, but this is the plain truth.. It's a savings feature.
It's a bonus and not a fee. I don't know why people find this so hard to understand.
When is a savings of $5.00 or $10.00 a "FEE".
If you want HD-DVR dual tuners in each room that option is available too with the 612 which doesn't require a phone line just like the HR21. .
And yes we can agree to disagree.. It may be confusing, but in the end it's not a penalty, but a savings.
But since I don't pay for either service I have, the savings isn't important to me.
and have both services in my home