Until we can get the version 4 software none of the USB ports on any of the DTivos will be active. Some people over at the Tivo Community have a solution for this but I will not talk about it here as it violates our user agreement.
- Some boxes have the HDMI connector die and the box needs to be replaced. The rumor is that D* knows what the problem is (how the connector is attached to the motherboard) and is working on a correction.
- Reports of harddrives failing causing the box to be replaced.
- Latest software download causing some 2nd tuners to die.
- Some ATSC stations that don't follow PSIP standards have trouble tuning the station in on it's actual channel (20.1 needs to be tuned in as 20.2 making the EPG useless for recording).
I've had mine since May and using the HDMI connection, no problems. I do have the ATSC/PSIP problem on one station that viloates the rules. Other then that my box is running fine.