Direct TV reciever lost features after update

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Sep 21, 2005
I have a D10 100,I believe. When I 1st got the unit I would hit the guide button and I would get a list, (movies, local channels, all channels, News, etc) Once the update was done a few months ago it just lists all channels. My other reciever never had the list (probably a different D10 model) and continues to work except for when I have a favorites menu seleted, when the power is shut off and turned back on all channels is listed and I have to dig deep into the menu to select my favorites option. Any info on how to correct these 2 problems would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I didn't recieve any replies here. :confused: But I did find out how to force a new download from another thread. This actually corrected both recievers and even added features to the one that was lacking.
If it is anything like the other IRDs then there is a button (probably pressing the guide button multiple times) to cycle through the available guide mode options. Yours was on some alternative or custom and when the IRD reset, it reverted back to the default mode. So you should be able to cycle back to the guide you were using if your IRD supports multiple guides.
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