Did you get any incentives to stay with Dish during AMC removal?

Incentives to stay with Dish

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 29, 2010
Inquiring minds would like to know.

Did you get a roku,programming credits,free premiums etc?
Let's see, first time I got I think $30 credit (though it may have been $35) plus free HBO for 3 months. Second time I got $30 or $35 credit plus Roku.

I'm a big fan of Breaking Bad and Mad Men (season completed before the dispute) and a somewhat fan of The Walking Dead, so I don't feel too bad about getting something from all this.
I got a Roku for the AMC deal and then all kinds of credits when they dropped BTN. I will admit that I never did threaten to leave nor did I plan on it. I just asked them what kind of deals that had for me and how I could keep my cost down. I was friendly with them and they treated me well.
Got 35 dollar credit, Roku and 10.00 off for 12 month. Walking dead is the only show I watch on AMC so didnt miss a thing, got credits and a Roku. I give credit to AMC ,would have missed season opener if they had not streamed it, so they should get a thumbs up.
I like scherrman, recieved the roku for AMC shows. Never said to dish if I don't get this dish I will leave. Recieved some credits as well. Dish gave excellent customer service I thought during this process.
I was given $10 off a month for 1 year. I did state I didn't need a Roku. Maybe that's why i was give the 1yr ?
We received a free roku and a $30 one time credit,plus got multisport free for 6mos,instead of the half off deal.Very pleased with what dish offered.Also pleased the AMC is back!
I asked for and got the Roku, but nothing else. Saving up my credits for a rainy day when something I really care about goes into dispute, which it will.
I would say that 100% of people that called or contacted Dish about the loss of AMC got some kind of incentive. Dish was counting on the vast majority of subs not complaining. They got their wish.
Whiners sucking off the rest of us.

WAAAAA, you lost one stupid channel, now we have to pay for your immaturity!
I got the Roku. Didn't ask for anything else, since I thought a free Roku was very generous of Dish to do. :)

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Received Roku + $35credit +$10/month for 6 months. Did not threaten to leave and did not ask for incentives. Called in response to an email from Dish asking me to call and learn about alternative ways to watch The Walking Dead. The first CSR told me I could get TWD on "Dish on Demand" I didn't think that sounded right so I called back and was told NO on the Dish on Demand and then offered the above. Altogether I thought it was a good thing for Dish to do.

Old Satellite Dish

Hopper remote to control Roku 2?

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