Desperate for an XBox 360 by XMas?


Playing XBoxOne SeriesX/Supporter
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Sep 12, 2003
Brielle, NJ
Approximately 20-60 systems will be at each Best Buy this Sunday 12/18. Launch day rules will probably apply (less the bundle controversies). Get your tents ready if little Timmy HAS to have one on the 25th..... They will probably all be gone at opening to the people on line, so make sure you get there early....
Some say that they have become available at some Target Stores as early as today.
You might want to check that out prior to camping out at BB.

YMMV on the Target find.
I'm still hoping my local EB games will get at least 9 in before Christmas. They had 30 at launch, and only two more came in the other day.

Truly pathetic.
Oops, just made a post about this...

While it could be true that they don't get them until friday and for whatever reason are going to sit on them for 2 days (aren't fri/sat big $ days??), I saw the truck at bestbuy this morning like it is every wednesday. It's very rare for the truck to be there on fridays, as I pass the place every morning.

If you want a 360, i'd be up there every afternoon starting today, because if they got them today, they will be on the floor sometime after noon. Why they don't put them out when the store opens I don't know, but that's how they roll. Don't wait for sunday because you won't get one...
...Or you could wait for the first price cut. They'll be much easier to find and there will be a TON of available games by then. That's my plan.
I have confirmation that Best Buys will have them for sale on Sunday morning. My coworkers son works as a stocker there, and after asking "How did I know about this?", he said that they have been recieving them, and were told not to put them on the shelf until Saturday night for store opening on Sunday the 18th.

And no, he can't hold one for me; :( instant termination if they are caught trying to save one for themselves or others.
This is a GOOD thing. I remember the old Crazy Eddie days, when employees and their families were the only ones who could get the doorbusters advertised in the paper.

Good luck to all trying to get one. This is one of the worst kept secrets around, so don't assume you can get one by just showing up at the store opening. Get there early.....
Well, I basically have to decide if I don't get my preorder in the next few days, whether I'm going to camp out.

My son knows about the shortages, but its the main thing he wanted, so I hate having to tell him his present will be coming in January.

At least I'm in Florida, a lawn chair and cooler and I'm good to go. Too bad I didn't have a Pocketdish! :)
The truck was out there this morning as well. It's the time of year when they need a lot of re-supply trucks so it's hard to say if those units are there or not. I can't imagine they'd want those sitting around for days, they'd get held up if people knew they had them in the back of the store...
Sounds reasonable that BB will hold onto them until Sunday. It sounds like they are going to advertise them in their ad next week. Locally (MD) we have a law that says there needs to be so many of an advertised item (some type of bait-and-switch law), so they are probably going to do it that way to cover themselves.

(Look for the "at least 20 per store" fine print in the weekend circulars.......some people can get the Sunday inserts in their Saturday papers, so the secret should soon be out)

Even IF you have a preorder, I would grab one. It's not like you will have a problem flipping the 2nd unit on EBay (or scoring MAJOR points with a friend or relative who will buy it off of you).

Angiodan, has it easy...... the folks in the Northeast will have to sit for hours in subzero weather to get one.....
Sunday's ads have been at retail for probably a day or two now, I always see them at the grocery store on friday when I'm there, If i remember i'll ask to take a look. I don't think they're advertising it, they don't need to waste a page on something that will sell out in an hour...

I was up there this morning and after spending 52 minutes (out of the hour I was there) waiting in lines, I can report there are NO 360's on the floor. There was a penske moving van pulling away as I left, and that would be my guess as to what's holding the systems. What else could need special courier treatment, steven seagal dvd's?? They're there, I know it...
Just about any hot products would want immediate "re-ups". In 10 days, demand is gonna tank, so they know they have to keep things stocked as best as they can until then....
What's really getting me is I went into Kmart and Walmart last night and they both were telling me they won't be getting anymore shipments till january or march... Their excuses are because of the problems the first units had so the fix is causing the delays...
Happy Hunting everyone. It sounds like the current batch has as many at the initial launch quantity.

The only downer seems to be the EB Games/Gamestop people..... I'm surprised MS isn't taking better care of them.

Video-Game Sales Slump Ahead of Holidays

Xbox does second round of 360s

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