Defective LNB? DMS DVB321-2

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 21, 2005
Lakebay, WA
I've finally got my SG2100 and Winegard setup correctly; as proof, I put the DirecPC lnb on it, and my "true south" satellite (DTV 6, Echo 6,8) comes in great with the SG2100 in the "0" position. but the LNB that came with the package deal refuses to work.

The specs on the auction differ than that on the lnb a bit; I don't mind as long as it works, but this doesn't want to :mad: This one is a:

DMS DVB321-2
LO: 9.75/10.6GHz
NF: 0.6dB
S/N: 2C08 0747

So the LO is 10.600, not 10.750 like the auction stated. Again, who cares, I can change ProgDVB's LO setting. I have it set up with these settings:

LOF 1: 9750
Switch: 11700
LOF 2: 10600
LNB Power On

It all looks ok to me... but I get zilch. No signal other than background noise, maybe just a slight wobble in % if I swing the whole dish around.

Help!! The rain finally stopped after three solid days and I want to get this done before it starts up again :confused:

It's a Universal; the above specs were taken right off the LNB sticker.


EDIT: This is even more confusing! The DirecPC LNB works wonderfully... picket up half a dozen sats in 10 minutes using the motor! But only in H, not V. It simply doesn't function in V... but H signals come in great!

... I can't win...
Had an idea! Maybe somone can verify before I go out into the rain again...

To activate the higher freq LO which is most commonly used (10600), the lnb needs to be sent a 22kHz tone. Is the "switch" setting in ProgDVB the tone freq (mine's set 'default' to 11700) or is that the cutoff freq at which it uses one LO or the other?

It just seems to make sense that maybe it's not getting the tone to switch to the other LO, hence no signals. If it's not the above, what else could cause the tone not to be going through? Would the Sg2100 mess it up, or a little "T" cable connector, or the original DTV wiring... ?

My only alternative is to use this broken DPC lnb, which lacks Vertical. Wouldn't you know 95% of what's on G10 is V, which is probably why I can't find it. Hrmm, maybe if I turn the DPC lnb 90 degrees, and edit all the V in the transponders to H...... ?
If you have a "T" connector in the cable that may be the problem, I would remove it and try a single length of cable.
If that does not work bypass the motor to eliminate it from the problems you are having, stick with it!
Ok, will do. I'll try both ideas, thanks. I actually bought a new 50' satellite cable (with attatched extra ground wire) that I haven't used yet... I'll swap it off and see. Then eliminate the motor.. though if that's it, I'm in trouble :p

After that, i guess i'm looking at a defective LNB :(
I'm officially calling it a defective lnb.

It simply won't pick up any signals. I've removed the extra connector, removed the SG2100 motor, used brand new new coax, properly peaked the dish before even mounting the new lnb, checked my settings a few zillion times, ad scanned the entire sky, with no results. The signal level stays around 60-64% no matter where I point the dish. It really seems like the 22khz tone isn't beng delivered, or I'm way way off freq or something. I've tried re-peaking things while the new lnb was mounted, skewing it, even holding it in my hand all around the lnb arm in case distance or angle was the issue... nothing. The DPC lnb, other than only having H function (looking at the feedhorn, I'm starting to think that's a side effect of using the Winegard as a reflector instead of the original oval DPC dish) works great. I even tried some ghetto-modding and mounted the DPC lnb sideways, then edited the transponder files' "V" to "H" so I could maybe lock onto G10... didn't work out, unfortunately. No TUBE for me yet :(

So I guess I'm stuck with a broken lnb. If anyone can think of something I haven't tried, please let me know- I don't like complaining or jumping to conclusions and demanding a refund/exchange because I'm too ignorant to use the equipment properly :p I want to 100% verify its' defectiveness, if possible, then return it.
... and if I get a refund, I am SO getting a 0.3dB... ;)

The LNB on my Direct PC dish is single polarity only, but it's position is adjustable at the feed. If yours is the same, just unbolt and rotate the LNB 90 degrees on the flange to make it V only. The scaler rings won't perfectly match your Winegard dish, but you should be able to get satisfactory results. In my tests it worked fine for receiving G10.

Good luck on the new LNBF 22K switching situation. I'll bet the LNBF isn't defective.

Your LNB sounds similar to mine:

Low Band: 10.7 ~ 11.7 GHz
High Band: 11.7 ~ 12.75 GHz

L.O. Frequency
Low Band: 9.75 GHz
High Band: 10.6 GHz

Low Band: 950 ~ 1950 MHz
High Band: 1100 ~ 2150 Mhz

Noise Figure High/Low Band: 0.3 dB ( Typical )
Conversion Gain 50 dB ( Minimum )
Band Switching
Low Band: 0 KHz
High Band: 22 Khz

I got absolutely nothing but a bouncing quality meter until I got 10.6/975 dialed in as the L.O. I'll take anothe rlook at my settings when I get home tonight.
Yeah,which is why I easily doubt myself thinking it's defective. My ignorance is not to be taken lightly :p Though I do have it set up properly, I believe. 9.75/10.6, Ku lnb... anyone ever use a Universal lnb on progDVB before?

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At last.. my plans are coming to fruition...

Coolsat Pro Settings for DirecTV 1R/2/4S

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