Debating the HD Tivo-Help

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 12, 2005
I am really considering a HDTivo with the new price drop, I receive the LEX, Ky locals whicj is DMA 64 I believe so I am looking down the road for HD locals on D*. I currently have 2 SD Tivo that I love and I hope there would be an outside chance I could get HD waivers for the nets. Please post any information that you could give me to help me with this decision. I would go with VE of course because of all the positive comments found here. Thnaks in advance.

If you already own 2 SD Tivo's you will love the HDTivo...I preordered one from Value Electronics before they came out and I love it. There is no guarantees anywhere about what D* is going to do for the MPEG 4 upgrade but your far enough down the DMA list you will probably get a couple years out of it anyway. It's an awesome receiver and in my opinion worth every penny!
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