Dallas Distant Locals Back for Order?


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Pub Member / Supporter
Nov 25, 2003
Nederland , Texas
This week I made some moves on my programming on my Distant locals. I dropped all my distants and superstations. A couple of days later I decided to add just the New York stations back and when I went to the website and went to the locals page I noticed that on the top of the list was the Dallas Distant locals back again. I added them and they appeared again in my guide.

Now I thought that they were not allowing any more people to get Dallas locals anylonger. In fact I thought they were already suppossed to change everyone who had them over to Chicago or some other distant package. Weren't these locals suppossed to go to spot beam and drop off of conus beam? Has anyone else noticed this? :?

The spotbeam for Dallas covers Beaumont. It goes almost all the way down to Corpus and east almost to Lafayette.
Yes I very well know that the spotbeam would hit me here in Texas for Dallas . That's not what I am asking. If they are on spotbeam they couldn't sell me them as a DISTANT LOCAL.

A while back they specifically said they were dropping the Dallas Distant locals from the distant locals pack . They did disappear for the last year and a half on the add programming page of Dishnetwork. As I stated ,this week they came back on the add programming page of my account . In fact they are now the number one city listed.

So my point is did they decide to reverse their decision to sell Dallas DISTANT locals? A lot of people on other boards talked about the decision at the time and said it was bad because there was a lot of country in Texas and in the central time zone that would perfer Dallas over Chicago as their distant locals.

What gives? Anyone know?
I want to know if there is a way for me to get Dallas locals (even though i live in Virginia) I want those Cowboys games!!!
Thats weird..Dallas big 4 are on Conus (not spotbeam), yet when I run the address on the Locals page, I cant get Dallas (address omitted)

Tue Jan 13 14:47:32 MST 2004

Congratulations! This address is eligible for the
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN Local Network Package

Click here to see a list of the channels in the package.

Congratulations! This address may be eligible for PART OF THE Distant Network A La Cartes. You may choose a maximum total of 2 (two) A La Carte networks (ie. no more than two NBC, two ABC, two CBS, two FOX). You must be eligible to receive National PBS.

New York FOX-WNYW Eastern
Atlanta FOX-WAGA Eastern
Chicago FOX-WFLD Central
Denver FOX-KDVR Mountain
Los Angeles FOX-KTTV Pacific

Maybe the only people who will be able to pick this option are people in a Texas DMA (TX, OK, etc)
They seem to be available in Western and SW Arkansas in the Little Rock DMA but not in Central or west central Ark which is in the same DMA. I guess they are going off the strength of the spot beam.
Unless Lyngsat is wrong, the Dallas "Big 4" are on CONUS TP16 (along with Atlanta).

Can someone that has Dallas locals verify that the big 4 are on CONUS?

If they are CONUS, then its weird why only some people can get them as distant options.
Well I only kept the channels for about 2 days and then went back to New York channels. The soaps on ABC were one day behind in story and my wife couldn't stand that All My Children would be behind . Picture Quality is better on New York anyway. When I went back to check on adding programming page the Dallas Distant Locals are still listed as number 1 as an option I can buy. Maybe Dish decided to reverse their decison on dropping these as a distant city at least in the general area of Texas and southwest Arkansas.

Weird :?
Dallas IS still on CONUS. I have many customers who are still receiving them, and they are 300-400 miles away from Dallas. New customers in my area (Texas Panhandle) still can't add them on as distants, though.

It would be much better to have Dallas than Denver that is one hour later, or Chicago which is in the same time zone, but seems light years away from here. I have heard from a reliable source that Amarillo, TX will be added Q2 this year, so that would be even better. ;)
Several of my customers also have the Dallas Big 4 but they have been told once the miss a payment or turn them off they will NOT be able to get them back.

If amarillo comes i Wish there on Dish 500 but wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.

Bruno said:
Several of my customers also have the Dallas Big 4 but they have been told once the miss a payment or turn them off they will NOT be able to get them back.


I can sort of confirm this. I have KDFW (Fox) and when all this happened that they were no longer a Distant Net - the CSR said no one would lose them - but if you dropped them you could not get them back. So far this has been true.

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