D* sponsoring creation of New HD channels?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 10, 2004
Vallejo, CA
So I called retention cause they "forgot" to give me credit for HBO. While on the phone with the CSR I asked him (just to pass time! :rolleyes: ) about more HD channels. He gave me the same blah blah blah about 100 or so HD channels by summer 07. I said, how's D* gonna do that since there are NOT even 40 (?) National HD channels yet. So he said that D* is in the process of "sponsoring" or working with some of the current national SD channels to have them start transmitting in HD by 07. I asked him "are you sure it's not the local channels?" He said " no these are the national channels". Not sure if that's true or if he meant that D* is creating their "voom" type channels like suggested somewhere else here. From what I understand it would be our current SD channels like Sci fi, TBS, etc even though he wouldn't name any channel. he also didn't know what his "boss" was talking about when he announced "100 channel by the end of this year"! :rolleyes:

Only time will tell now. At least this was a guy from retention and not your average CSR. But I would call this just another rumor...

P.S. Don't shoot the messenger(s)!!! :D
Yes they are working on their own type of VOOM service, that in my opinion may be better then VOOM since it will have the power of FOX behind it.
That's why I try to keep things in perspective as far as number of channels. I ahve checked the Voom channel listings and quite frankly, find very little that appealed to me. Food channel HD, no thanks - unless it includes samples.
I do want National Geographic HD. Others would be nice, but I really don't fell I am missing too much.
Yea, they've been talking about creating a Fox "voom like" channel service for about a year now.
There are "alot" of channels waiting to go HD due to limitations of providers. I have read where cable co. have begged networks to hold off untill 2007-2008 when they would have the capacity to provide them. If D* and E* both can provide 100's of National HD channels and Cable Co. cannot you can see where the HD public will churn to and cable co. know that.
I myself would really like most of the Voom services. There are a few channels I have no interest in, but I enjoyed the Voom channels when I had the Voom service. I know programming has changed a bit, but it still looks appealing to me.
With all the TV, movies, and sports properties FOX has, they should start their own service. Plus the Big 10 Channel which they are a part of will have HD programming. They have been talking about it for a while, but my bet is we will see it next year.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Trust me, they have been doing a lot more then just talking. :)

:D I guess what I meant was this isn't anything new. And the fact a CSR was actually talking about it is certainly interesting.
VOOM does have some good stuff, I love RAVE, I love Animania (however this one does not need to be in HD) and I will watch Treasures HD from time to time but that one too does need to be in HD and I would enjoy it just the same.

The rest to me are all filler.

I know others will say they love Monsters HD or other VOOM Channels, and thats fine, I am just telling you what I enjoy.

I am interested in seeing what Fox brings to the table when they do launch their HD package.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I am interested in seeing what Fox brings to the table when they do launch their HD package.

Let's try to guess.

We'll to start, I'd hope the majority of the FMC movie catalog would be transferred to HD and that all of the FX originals would be presented in HD.
Is this "fox" launch on the horizon..Six months, one year? will it be part of their expansion of HD channels in 07?
Cuban has also talked in the past about creating more channels. Its all just talk. Besides D* cannot do it unless they want to downrezz even further. Its the last thing D* needs to be mouthing off about. :rolleyes:
I just dropped the VOOM package because I never really watched any of it. It's a good value but I found myself never watching any of it. It just doesn't appeal to me. Alot of re-runs and stuff that I am not interested in. Not all of it is bad....I'm just saying for me it seems to be alot of boring stuff. If it wasn't in HD, not many people would be watching.
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