I sent an oem LiteOn bd-ROM drive back to NewEgg because it came with no playback software and it was a POS. I found another retail boxed bdrom/dvd-rw at a mass merchant. I got it all installed and popped a Blu-Ray movie in and windvd pops up and says "you can upgrade your windvd to ultra version to enable multi channel playback".
Since when does Cyberlink have the right to disable dolby multi-channel audio products?
Why are we being extorted for a product that isn't even theirs?
Why would anybody buy any Blu-Crayp for the computer? It's just a giant spyware privacy invader. Do the stand alone machines require internet connections as well?
Since when does Cyberlink have the right to disable dolby multi-channel audio products?
Why are we being extorted for a product that isn't even theirs?
Why would anybody buy any Blu-Crayp for the computer? It's just a giant spyware privacy invader. Do the stand alone machines require internet connections as well?