Does anyone know what current percentage of viewers watch Network programming in HD versus SD ?
Does anyone know what current percentage of viewers watch Network programming in HD versus SD ?
I lost 25% Dec 1st... CBSHD, which LIN my DMA Local affiliate refuses to provide to E* or D*... and to others as well...(before then I watched /dvr'd 75% from network, now... Earl, Betty, Medium and a couple of other network shows)...
I see why you say you lost 25%, but answering the orignal OP's question I would say 10-15% nationwide.
I say this with two variables.
1. The still low number of DMA's that are HD.
2. The still low number of the nations pop. that have an HD TV.
But as far as a definte answer I don't know.
Or worse, people who buy an HDTV set, upgrade to HD service from their cable or satellite company, and still tune to the SD channel....Add to this...