CRT is dead- again


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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
A few years back, I did some calculations and predicted that CRT TVs, including direct view CRTs, would be out sold by flat screen TVs sometime in 2008. This was based on price trends.

I was wrong. CRTs will be outsold by other technologies in 2007, per this link.

Prices have dropped faster than expected, for LCDs in particular. CRTs are cheap, especially due to their volume. As that volume dies off, they'll lose some economies of scale and be "hit from both sides." Keep in mind also that some places charge a fee for the disposal of a CRT, and more will do so in the future.

The 2007 holiday season may be the last where CRT direct view TVs are commonly available (my guess). CRT RPTVs & FPTVs are rather difficult to find already, but they never were all that common anyway.
If they would get rid of the CRT then this would allow the other television technologies to drop in price to maybe match or be slightly more than what the CRT's were.
it is in some ways sad when an old technology, responsible for the birth of an industry, is replaced by new technology.

CRTs and analog broadcast were the original TV. Just as steam powered locomotives and ships before them, and eventually gasoline powered automobiles, they will someday be looked upon with reverence and awe.

Eventually the technical knowledge itself becomes moot, as the technology is replaced. We risk forgetting that, for instance, without the knowledge of how vacuum tubes work, the transistor and microprocessor would never have been invented. Machines may synthesize and build them, but without the basic knowledge, who can understand how it works?
to be honest at the smaller screen sizes I think that the CRt is a viable option. and SD often looks better on a CRT than a LCD or plasma.
Yes. But LCDs and other technologies will become the cheaper option, and will be "more than good enough" if not actually better (some day).

CRTs will become a niche market, like vinyl records. Could be worse- notice there is no niche market for 8 tracks tapes- at least, no one is mass producing them anymore.
As LCD's and others improve, CRT's are probably still improving as well. Eventually LCD's are bound to catch up and exceed the quality of CRT unless something else replaces the LCD that is better.
No, CRTs are a "mature" technology with no more head room for significant improvements. The most recent improvement was to reduce the depth of the cabinet/shorter yoke. Big whoop. Rubber tires on a horse buggy after the model T comes out. No real PQ improvements for many years. I'd say the last PQ improvement was based on improved signal processing, such as comb filters- and not any improvement in the basic phosphor presentation.

All that being said, I still love the PQ on my 27" Sony Trinitron and 36" JVC. But I watch the 61" JVC LCoS RPTV for almost everything. The smaller TVs move to bedrooms. I may give them to the Salvation Army within a couple of years before I have to pay to dispose of them. I might just buy flat screens to replace them as prices drop. Sure would free up some bedroom space.

Technologically, they know that there are plenty of improvements possible in LCD and other "young" technologies. Smaller circuitry to improve fill factors, faster response times, wider viewing angles, larger color space, better backlighting with longer life and greater brightness, longer crystal life and improved contrast & black levels.

Plus, the basic costs to build a CRT are tending upward (lead, steel and copper for large transformers, shipping costs, etc). Fixed pixel technologies use less material and are smaller and lighter. The basic electronics are getting cheaper and better. As their volume increases, paying off the huge capital costs to build the factories gets easier.

I just remember knowing 8 tracks were going away- and then suddenly one day they were all on tables at the front of K-Mart on close out sale. Overnight. The disappearance of CRTs shouldn't be quite that fast.

A couple of years ago, a friend's mother moved into an assisted living facility. Small room. They had to go with a flat screen TV simply for space reasons. Those large TV boxes have never had great WAF and now that alternatives are more affordable, it's just one more stake in their heart.

But we've had a good, long run with CRTs. Will any be left in people's homes in 20 years? Or even 10? Is the Smithsonian picking and choosing samples for future displays to incredulous kids?
Yes. But LCDs and other technologies will become the cheaper option, and will be "more than good enough" if not actually better (some day).

CRTs will become a niche market, like vinyl records. Could be worse- notice there is no niche market for 8 tracks tapes- at least, no one is mass producing them anymore.

well when "some day" comes that will be when i will close the book on CRTs. Until then if you want a set in the 30 inch range I think they are stilla viable option.

ia m not sure that it is true that CRTs can't be improved further but since they still have advantages at their present state they aren't dead yet in my view. But I would agree that "some day" will probably come eventually.
Some of you are quite naive.
CRTs are for sure dead, but not because other technologies are better, but simply because the buying public is entranced with hanging a TV on their wall. CRT is still the gold standard to any true videofile and saying LCD's etc are better is like comparing digital cameras to film. Sure, digital is bound to catch up some day, but unless SEDs and LASERs are the answer next year(s), that some day is not something to hold your breath for; you still can't beat the quality of a CRT picture by any form of comparison, from black levels on down. Technology should forge ahead, there would be no CRTs without it, but to assume something has arrived to surpass CRT's at this point is being suckerd-in by the media and an ignorant public, just as they were when they said VHS is better than Beta--it just hasn't happened yet. It WILL happen--just not yet. This all a case of flash over content. As for CD's being better than lps--go ask Bob Dylan about that; he knows a thing or two about recording reproduction.
You go boy! With the closure of the Super Fine Pitch tube plant in PA last year the best CRT's are no longer made. CRT's are more expensive to ship and warehouse, and have slimmer profit margins. CRT has a superior picture, I can't stand artifically sharp digital picture, and motion is so much better on a CRT than a flat panel.

As the HT editor here the display I use as a reference is a Panasonic CT-30wx15, there are no LCD's that can touch it.
Well, I may be wrong again. The last end of year holiday season where we see CRTs commonly available may be 2006, not 2007.

Sony is dropping down to only 2 CRT models for next year. Other manufacturers have dropped CRT production or have scheduled production halts. I noticed in 2 different warehouse stores that the CRT models were all but gone. The folks at BB today told me they were phasing out CRTs by the end of this year, and they thought CC was too. They seemed happy about it.

I guess widescreen CRTs never took off, and widescreen is what is needed to see HDTV at it's best. Of course, I'd say 42" is the minimum widescreen to really enjoy HD, but that might be a minority opinion.

Anyway, by the transition date (2/17/09) LCDs will probably be available for $200.
Digital digital's something we just couldn't live without but also the catch word of the last 15-20 years which makes most people think "better" or "perfect". The reality is far from it. The sad reality is that the majority cares more about "smaller" "thinner" than they do about actual picture quality. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of hanging a tv on the wall, it's awesome!! But when I was replacing my old CRT set last year, I decided on a CRT rear projection. There are LCDs and plasmas that come close, but still can not match the pq of this set! I could go on about digital and comment on mp3 and other formats, but this is the wrong forum for the 80s with the advent of CD it was "better" not more that we were after. Now it's "more" not better. I digress, I could go on for days about this........what was the question again?? Oh yeah, I would tend to agree that CRT is almost dead........and it makes me sad, but that's technology for ya!
The only person that tells you that CRT's are dead is the salesman trying to sell you a $4000 dollar plasma HDTV.The only way you will know that CRT's are dead is when you go to buy one you can't find one.Until then I'll take a CRT HD RPTV anytime larger screen,cheaper price.:)
Surely you've noticed that there are fewer CRT models for sale?
I dont know if they will be completely dead in a year. Maybe two years. If they get the tv set prices down next year on those flat panels then I can see them dead within a year after that.
Oh no, I don't mean completely dead. I think there will be a niche market for a long time to come, just like LPs. But as a mass market item, they're toast. Thinness, brightness, viewing angles, geometry, cleanliness, maintenance factors, weight, etc- all are factors in a purchase, along with "PQ." And PQ is in the observer's eye, despite "measurements."

Actually, these other factors are so important, non-CRT units probably will replace CRTs for all practical purposes once the price premium is down to around 30%.

If BB & CC really do phase out direct view CRTs in the next few months, by the 2007 holiday season they'll be as rare as CRT RPTVs are today. Rare, but not gone.
This is kind of like the cassette or vhs vcr tape. There has still been a niche market for that because it has been out for so long so the CRT may still be around a little while longer but it will be few and far between eventually and if there are few out there, the new ones may actually become more expensive than the flat panel televisions.
Yeah, that's what I expect, as economies of scale diminish. Lots of steel and other materials in a CRT TV.

I love my JVC DiLA RPTV. I also get great pictures on my 27" & 36" CRT TVs, even though they are many years old. It'll be hard to part with them, but one day the lure of taking up less floor space with a hang on the wall TV will be too great. And moving to widescreen.

Although I favor the new technologies, I must state that the monitor I use at work is a CRT. Mine is that last CRT in the company. I have 2 computers on my desk, and the one with an LCD screen just can't compete. Maybe one day. But it'll have to be a large widescreen with acceptable text and video presentation, and not cost over a thousand dollars!

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