Continued Hopper issues/failures. Starting to give up on Dish!


Original poster
Apr 3, 2014
East TN
I have been a Dish customer for the past 6 years or so. I have always loved Dish and typically would never think of leaving to switch to someone else. However, last Spring I upgraded to the Hopper and 1 Joey box from their standard HD DVR system, which never experienced any issues and worked flawlessly the entire time I had it. Last November I was upgraded to a Hopper w/ sling after my original Hopper began having HDD failures. It took 4 visits from techs to my home before they diagnosed a HDD failure. This was after swapping out the outside switch/node, a new arm on the dish and running a new cable from the dish to the house. It took 4 visits in 3 weeks before they finally diagnosed a simple HDD failure on the Hopper and upgraded me to a new Hopper with Sling. That box lasted from last November to mid-February of this year before I started having issues with my Joey box losing connection. I frequently began losing connection to the Joey, sometimes 10-12 times in a hour for 2-3 hours at a time. It would stop for a few hours, or maybe a day, and they start losing connection again. I called and was told it was a Joey box issue. They upgraded me to the new Super Joey box and was told that would solve the problem. Within 4 hours of the install of the Super joey I continued to lose connection. After a call to Tech Support again I was then shipped a refurbished Hopper w/ Sling, suspecting the Hopper box was having issues again. This did not solve the problem, and only after 15 minutes of me swapping out the refurbished Hopper I began losing connection with the Super Joey yet again. I had yet another Tech visit. He checked all the connections and could find nothing wrong, even though he witnessed the Super Joey lose connection at least twice during his visit. He only diagnosed a possible ground interference issue with the 3rd grounding plug on the Hopper cord, took his pliers and cut the round, grounding plug off the Hopper's wall plug. In the two weeks or so that I've had this replacement Hopper installed I have totally lost 5 DVR recordings, with error code 04. Although the connection issues have slowed, I have lost joey connection 5-6 times in the last two weeks. Now, today I have found that I've not recorded anything for the past two days. I have numerous timers set for various shows and thought that was weird. I open my DVR screen and find out that ALL of my set timers on the DVR (30-35 timers) have been totally erased out of the Hopper box. My Hopper is now telling me I have no timers set to record anything at all. I am growing very frustrated with the continued problems with my Dish account. My local cable company can actually give me a better price and is even offering to buy out my current contract with Dish. I don't want to swap from Dish, but I do want my issues solved. I'm tired of changing my schedule for another tech visit. I've had about 8-10 tech visits to my house since last October and still have issues. I don't want to leave Dish but I'm beginning to think it might be my only choice. I have had no issues with any other electronics in my house, and the older HD DVR from Dish worked flawlessly for years so I don't think its a wiring issue with my house. I'm not on here trying to bash Dish, I love them but I'm at my wits end the past few months. Has any one else had this many problems with the Hopper and Joey set-up? Anyone able to give advice on what I should do next or how I an escalate this to a higher level for assistance? Thanks in advance for any help!
Sounds like a software issue. How is your box connected to broadband? Try disabling bridging and see if the freezing subsides. Also, try pressing and holding zero on the remote until the wizard appears, then choose restore. Your timers should be stored in your remote and you should be able to re-set the timers if they are missing.

How frequently is it freezing? Is it happening on all channels? Does it happen during commercials or only during the programs?

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My receiver is connected via wire to my wireless router. The last tech told me to make sure I enabled bridging, he said having it disabled could be part of my problem. Due to the hassle of transferring my recordings from one box to the next I asked them if it could be a software issue. I really didn't want to give up my new in November Hopper for one that was refurbished. The tech assured me this wasn't a software issue, it was a Hopper failure so I swapped them out.
I was able to restore my Timers. I didn't know that was possible. That was a huge relief. Thank you for the info. It's not been freezing up lately. The biggest issue is the Super Joey still loses connection. It tells me to make sure my connections are correct and if they are call tech support. The DVR recordings I've lost gave an error code of 04. I've never had this issue come up until I swapped out the box a few weeks ago, and it's happened several times since. Wondering if this box is faulty too since it was a refurb replacement.
This may just be one of those situations where the best thing is to move on and take the Cable offer. (Or Direct TV?) You certainly have been patient, and it sounds like DISH does address the issue each time. But it just isn't getting fixed.
Or wait it out and wait for the fixes which I'm sure are coming. Simply for the fact the equipment is so far superior. If you haven't disabled Bridging, try it. I would also try running a checkswitch and see if that helps.

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Yep sounds like a software issue, no signal loss is good so sounds like proper wiring and you don't seem to be having another failure. Aside from software could be a electrical problem even after ground lug is bypassed. See here is the thing I have a hard time explaining to people that do have that type of issue, they refuse to have an electrician just come out and verify everything is ok cause these receivers are very very VERY touchy on proper power hookups vs any other electronic device.
I can't believe they told you swapping out the Joey with a Super Joey would solve the problem. All that did was increase your bill $3 and you still have the same problems.
Today I decided to check my bridging connection since the Joey had been dropping out more lately. Checked my bridging feature and it failed to connect. Chatted with Dish for over a hour today. First was a Tech Support. Took me 15 minutes to explain my issues and for him to look up my account history. Then he wanted me to start over with unplugging my receiver and see if it would reset. Told him I'd try but didn't think it would work, as I've done that many times. I tried it just for him and bridging still failed. Next he wanted me to reset my wireless network, even after I told him it wasn't a wireless connection and all other internet devices were running fine. I then decided to chat with Customer Service. They set up another appointment for tomorrow. The tech is supposed to bring a new Hopper, new Super Joey and re-run some lines again. I tried to explain the Super Joey is not and issue and doesn't need to be swapped but she said she'd submit for a new one anyway. The cable from the outside switch to the inside and to the recovers has not been switched yet, but they keep telling me it tests fine when they're here. The system also works fine while they're here, though. So I thanked them and advised them if this didn't work I was tired of having issues. I told them I didn't want to but I was gonna cancel my service if this doesn't work. She said she understood and hoped they could resolve my issues. I'm hoping, as I said before they can get it fixed. I really want this to be fixed and work with them. Keeping my fingers crossed.
As said before, unless you want to pay three dollars more a month, needlessly, refuse the Super Joey.
Today I decided to check my bridging connection since the Joey had been dropping out more lately. Checked my bridging feature and it failed to connect.

I was tired of having issues. I told them I didn't want to but I was gonna cancel my service if this doesn't work. She said she understood and hoped they could resolve my issues. I'm hoping, as I said before they can get it fixed. I really want this to be fixed and work with them. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hey Andy, I thought about going back to the start of this thread to see what your original problem was/is but decided to not do so as your posts are extremely difficult to read.

I don't like to complain but you REALLY need to learn how to use paragraphs to help us more easily follow your thread.

This grumbling posted via my IBM keyboard by one of the resident curmudgeons.
My advice, make sure none of your inhome existing wiring is being used for Dish/Hopper, make sure new cables/connectors are Dish approved, have dish replace the node and any splitters/intergrators then see if its working right. Run your STB's off power conditioners or UPS. Then you will know if the issue is with you or Dish.

Also assure your house and dish are properly grounded.
Joeys should not be loosing moca connection with bridging enabled or disabled.
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Tech came again yesterday and installed another HWS. Before he came the Super Joey was working fine. I watched for over a hour and didn't drop out once. After he installed the new Hopper the Super Joey stopped linking and hasn't linked since. He was here for 4 hours and left without it working. Told me he didn't have a clue what was wrong. Said to call and have them ship me another new Super Joey to see if that solved the problem. I called tech support and they won't ship out a Super Joey without sending a tech. I explained the tech has made 2 visits this week already but that didn't help. Techs keep saying it's a hardware issue. Tech Support on the phone says it's a install issue. Yesterday the tech did try hard. He ran a new line from some type of connector, something just past the node, below the dish, straight to the Super Joey and it still didn't connect. He says it's getting good signal to the Joey and doesn't know why it's not linking. I requested a field supervisor to visit this time so we'll see how that goes.
I really want to bear with Dish to get this fixed. I love the Hopper and Joey setup but this is annoying. My only local cable option is Charter. They are cheaper but their DVR boxes from living room and bedroom have no communication. I can't watch living room recordings in bedroom or vice versa. It would be like having two Hoppers that don't communicate at all. Said they had plans to bridge them like Dish and Direct but not in the near future. I told them yesterday to note my account again. If it's not fixed when the tech leaves tomorrow he can take all the equipment with him and I'm going to give Direct a try.
I can't understand why techs keep thinking its the receivers that are the problem. I find that it's rarely the receivers but the little things like the cable, fittings, splitters, node, tap and wall plates. Originally Dish said the Hopper system could be installed with the majority of existing cable and materials but after two years I'm sold on the fact that a Hopper install should almost be done from scratch. I know it can work if the customer already has good cable run in the house but rarely is a new house fitted with high frequency wall plates.
I do know my surge protectors are Dish compatible. One of the techs told me they sold the same exact model. When I bought the house it had standard cable TV. I signed with Dish and they did a whole new install with cables for a HD DVR. I can't say for sure if they re-ran new wire when I got the Hopper or not. My father-in-law is an electrician. If it would help I'll gladly get him to come check my wiring. Any thing or any where specific he should start with? Thanks again.
I do know my surge protectors are Dish compatible. One of the techs told me they sold the same exact model. When I bought the house it had standard cable TV. I signed with Dish and they did a whole new install with cables for a HD DVR. I can't say for sure if they re-ran new wire when I got the Hopper or not. My father-in-law is an electrician. If it would help I'll gladly get him to come check my wiring. Any thing or any where specific he should start with? Thanks again.

The whole system should have solid copper RG-6 coax cable. I'm sure the fittings on the cable are fine but if there are any splitters or wall plates they need to be high frequency ones. You can usually tell if they are because the inserts are blue. The system should also be grounded properly.

If all of those seem to be good then you swap out the node and any taps if they were used. Other than that I can't think of much more other than maybe the equipment needs to be completely reset and start over from scratch.
Check the lengths if the stingers and verify they are not on the edge of being too short.

One other thing you can check is in the counters screen. Go there on Hopper and SJ and check if the item labeled Current matches between them.

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Ok. I'll check that when I get home. I do know yesterday he swapped both the node and the switch box that comes after it (I think it's called an integrator or something). He then cut and ran a line, bypassed all the outside lines and ran it straight from the integrator into my window and directly to the SJ with his new line and his new connectors. Even then it still would not stay connected. It brings up the guide and a TV picture for about 15 seconds, then drops back to search for a Hopper for several seconds and then tells me to check connections and wiring and if no success call Dish. It continuously rotates that cycle ever since.
A major bug fix software update will probably be released next week or soon after. I would try to wait for it and then see if you still have these issues.
Ok. I'll check that when I get home. I do know yesterday he swapped both the node and the switch box that comes after it (I think it's called an integrator or something). He then cut and ran a line, bypassed all the outside lines and ran it straight from the integrator into my window and directly to the SJ with his new line and his new connectors. Even then it still would not stay connected. It brings up the guide and a TV picture for about 15 seconds, then drops back to search for a Hopper for several seconds and then tells me to check connections and wiring and if no success call Dish. It continuously rotates that cycle ever since.

Was the cable from the node to Hopper replaced?
They have tested it several times and say it's getting strong reception and it's not the problem. They screw it into some type of test box and check some type of reading on it and say it's getting a very strong signal.

Question for new subscription

Hopper and Home Media Server

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