Contest: Enter To Win by Telling a Story! S2 Digital Satellite Meter w/Spectrum Analyzer from Satell

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SatelliteGuys Master
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Lifetime Supporter
Sep 3, 2004
Roseville, CA
Enter to Win a SatLink WS-6912 DVB-S2 Digital Satellite Meter

Satellite Meter with Real Time Spectrum Analyzer

Retail Price $390


How to enter? Tell us a Back to School Story!

We all have a story to tell about going back to school in the fall. Remember that first ride on the bus or stepping onto high school grounds, starting a new school or getting back together with friends. How about that new hairstyle or the clothes that you had to have? Did you bug your mom to buy that "must have" lunch pail?

Small print:
Tell us as many stories as you wish, but we will accept only one entry per SatelliteGuy Member. This contest is open to any SatelliteGuys member who is in good standing with the exception of Satellite AV staff and members of their families. Contest ends 11:59 pm, PST, 09/19/2011.

A random drawing of one winner will be made by a member of our staff on September 20th, 2011. If the winner does not respond to our SatelliteGuys PM notification within 10 days, the prize will be forfeited and the unit will be offered to another contestant by random drawing.

This prize will be shipped via FedEx Ground freight to any continental US residence or business address. If you are outside of the Continental US, you will be responsible for all shipping cost, brokerage and customs fees.


This is a high quality sample meter provided by the SatLink factory for testing. We decided not to carry the product. Instead of putting it on the shelf to get dusty and eventually be recycled, we will select one random winner to receive this lightly used sample.

Here is some product information from the manufacturer:
  • 8PSK AND QPSK - Fully DVB compliant
  • 3.5 Inch High definition TFT LCD Screen which can show live channels
  • NEC Solution Chipset
  • Shows both S/N and C/N
  • Shows Signal Strength and Signal Quality readings
  • Sound and Display Lock Confirmation
  • Displays numerical reading and bar reading
  • Easy Satellite Manager ( EDIT, delete and SCAN)
  • Edit TP, Frequency, LNB switch, Symbol Rate etc.
  • Completely programmable by the user by direct entry or PC

  • Input Frequency 950-2150MHz
  • Input Level -65-25dBm
  • Input Impedance 75ohm
  • Auto Calculate Angle of AZ ,EL
  • Upgrade S/W by PC
  • Easy to carry, size only 9.5cm X 15.5cm X 4.5cm
  • DiSEqC Switch and Motor Control
  • USALS Motor Control
  • 22KHz Control
  • Fast Charge LI-ION Battery(1950mAh), Can Last 4 Hours
  • Indicator Lights for 13/18 volts
  • Indicator lights for 22 KHz
  • USB port for software upgrades

Meter Set Includes:
  • Neck strap
  • Carrying case
  • Wall AC power charger
  • 12VDC mobile power charger

Quickly and accurately align the satellite, instantly check the stability of the channel and view the actual channel on the screen of the meter. Transponders, Frequency, Symbol Rate, Polarity, and other settings can be modified by the user. There is never a need to send your meter in for a upgrade.
Meter never needs to be returned for re-calibration due to the unique calibration system built in to the meter. Each time the meter boots up it automatically calibrates for optimum performance so you can align each install with confidence.

LNB/Tuner input
Connector: F type,male
Frequency range: 950MHz-2150MHz
Signal lever: -65dBm~-25dBm
LNB supply:13/18V,max400mA
LNB switch control: 22KHz, DiSEqC Ver 1.0 /1.1/1.2

Front end: QPSK and 8PSK
Symbol rate: 2Mbps~45Mbps
Spectral inversion: Auto conversion

System resource
Processor: 32bit processor (200MHz)
SDRAM: 64Mbyte
EEPROM: 8Kbyte

Video decoder
MPEG 2: Main Proflie@Main Level
Data Rate: up to 15M bits/s
Resolution: 720, 576, 720, 480
Video format: PAL/NTSC/SECAM

MPEG Audio: MPEG 1 layer 1&2
Type: Mono
Sampling rates: 32, 44.1 and 48KHz

Serial data interface
Connector: USB type

Power supply
Li-oN Battery: 1950 mA
Voltage: 12.6VDC

AC: 90 - 240VAC 50/60hz
DC: 11 - 18VAC

Panel connectors
Digital tuner input: F type, male
AV: 3.5MM to RCA

Physical Specification
Size: 9.5x15.5x4.5 (cm)

Weight(Net): 0.5 Kg
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my grade ten year i decided to register at the public high school instead of the catholic high school. most of my friends attended public school. when i drove up to register i saw the vehicle of a guy who wanted to beat me up. i ended up graduating from catholic high school. haha.

crackt out,.
I remember walking almost three miles to school. There was broken glass everywhere, and up hill all the way.
Somehow they engineered the streets so it was up hill all the way home too!
I attended 2nd through 5th grade at a two-room country schoolhouse. After 8th grade, you would ride a bus about 20 miles to the district high school.

One year my Grandpa had planted a bunch of watermelons and cantaloupes in his garden, and at 2500 ft elevation in north Idaho, you have only about one in ten chance of getting them to harvest before frost. Anyway, he hit the jackpot that year and we had more watermelons than eight families could eat, so he loaded them in the back of his one-ton 1949 Dodge truck, and brought them to our school one late September afternoon with the teacher's permission. We all got our fill of melons that day, and they were o-so-sweet and juicy. Nothing like the picked green and trucked 1000 miles stuff you get in a supermarket.

I think my Grandpa had as much fun as the kids that day.
This is a "Board of Education" story:
On the first day of shop, industrial arts, class, the class trouble maker got in a little too deep. After being told to "assume the position" the Board of Education was placed swiftly to his backside. So swiftly, in fact, as to cause the Board of Education to break into splinters. Was it the swiftness, or a flaw in the boards material? No-one knows. On the following day, the class trouble makers friend saw the instructor making a new Board of Education, and asked "why are you drilling holes in it?" That friend found out two times what the holes were for. The first time was when the Board of Education contacted his backside. The second time was just a second later when the instructor said"less wind resistance" Neither recipient was me. I never met the Board of Education, but might have been close a few times. Everyone saw the Board of Education though, as it was then placed in the school trophy case just inside the front door. The class trouble maker and is friend were almost model students from then on.
The following is just commentary
Boy, things have changed. Why? I don't know. We didn't turn out that bad back then, did we?
I was in my high school shop class one morning when another student cut off his finger on the table saw. I've been a very safe table saw user ever since.
My first day back to school in 9th grade, i had electronics class and the teacher proceeded to give us a live demonstration.
He had all the kids in the class form a circle hold hands, and the last guys on each end got to hold the generators terminals.
He began slowly and a few kids dropped out. Then when he had all toughies left he gave that hand crank one *&^$ of a crank and lit the rest of us right up!
I will never forget that and i am not young anymore.
I remember being in chemistry class one year. We had someone run in and pull the chain for the emergency shower then run out. We were all laughing when it happened but it flooded the classroom with about an inch of water. The floor in the chemistry class had a red haze for about a week since opening that shower removed all the rust that had built up in the pipes. Whoever pulled it was eventually caught, but I don't remember what their punishment was.
Back in the late 80s you were ultra cool if you could afford shoes with the air pump in the front. So for back to school I thought it would be awesome to get the tennis pumps. The popular kids made it clear that only the basketball pumps were acceptable. I endured harassment for some time.
Going along with FatAir's Board of Education, my dad told me when I started high school, "Son, when you get a swat at school, you'll get one at home!" As always, I answered, "Huh?"
"Son, I said, when you get a swat at school, you'll get two when you get home!"
"I heard you the first time!"
"Still, you will get two at home!"
I learned real fast not to "Huh?" any more.
He had worked at the school for 20 years by this time and was well known so nothing got past him.
In my senior year in high school, five friends including my self joinded a band group. We were encouraged to enter a talent show, well we practiced very hard for two weeks in preparation for the big day. The day finally arrived, but things didn't go too well, the lead singer came down with a cold, needless to say it was a disaster and we were very well dissapointed.

That is the truth, and I sticking with it.
First day back at school I think it was grade 3 or 4, I got on the wrong bus for the trip home... I remember wondering where the bus was going to end up before I finally got up the nerve to tell the driver he had gone the wrong way... :) He actually drove me home after his normal route rather than leaving me at school. Got home and no one was there; Mom had gone back to the school looking for me after I didn't get off the bus I was supposed to be on. Grandparents lived near by so I stayed there for a bit until Mom called.
Funny what sticks in your memory.
First day of school when I was in the 3rd grade was a highlight of my life. There was a girl up the street and we would always race to see who could get to school first on the first day of class. She was ahead of me by just a few yards then she stopped. (I thought she was waiting for me to catch up) then suddenly she sprinted across the street. I decided I couldn't pass up this moment to sprint as fast as I could across the street. However, I failed to do that important step when crossing a street safely. (look both ways) And much to my surprise my sprint suddenly ended as I slammed into the side of a oncoming vehicle. My right foot was pinned underneath the passenger side front tire as it slid to a stop. Needless to say I didn't make it to school that day or for a couple of weeks for that matter. Being slow is sometimes lucky.
When I was a senior I got into some trouble at school. Seniors in my school had what was called "independent study hall" because the school was sort of overcrowded, Juniors and Seniors had to leave the building during their "independent study hall" time. Everyone hoped to get independent study hall the period before or after lunch so it would make a 2 hour lunch time. Then we could take our cars and drive someplace to eat lunch.

Anyway my punishment was to have my independent study hall time taken away. The only regular study hall that met at that time was the freshmans girl study hall. So they sent me there for punishment. Well at first the freshmen girls were making fun of me. Like, oh is Adam a girl is that why they sent you here? But after a few days they started flirting with me. Talking with me. Passing me notes etc. It was causing such a disruption that after about 3 or 4 weeks the principal came into the girls study hall and said. "I have an anouncement to make. I honor of national education day, I am going to let Adam have his independent study hall back before the semester is over with." At that the girls started booing. You should have seen the look on the principals face. I never thought I would have been upset at ending my "punishment" early!
I will never forget my first day of school from the 5th grade. Why? Because I didn't make it to school. We walked to school because it was only about about a quarter of a mile away. I contacted my friend up the street and we met up for the walk. His name is Merle. As we walked to school we walked by a Lime Quarry like we did every day. See Photo. As I was walking I looked down and saw one of those Estes Rockets that we had launched from our house about a month earlier. We lost it in the sun and didn't know what happened to it . I told my friend to stay on top and I would walk down and get it . It was easy going down . I got the rocket but then I noticed I couldn't get back up. I yelled to Merle that I couldn't get back up out of the Quarry. He was easy to jump down but I couldn't grab the ledge to get back up again. It was also very wet because of the rain from the night before. He got a little worried and he told me to keep trying. Now something really strange happens. About 5 minutes later he did something that he never has been able to explain. I don't know why he did this but for some reason he decided to throw a large rock in my direction. And he got me. Right above my eye. I don't remember what happened after that because it knocked me out for about 5 minutes . Now according to Merle he went to school right after that. He didn't call for help . He was afraid to call for help. I woke up about 5 minutes later and started yelling for help. A man that worked for the local power company stopped . He used a rope to help get me out. He noticed my eye and said to go home and put some ice on it. I went home. Nobody was home so I went upstairs and put ice on my eye because of the swelling and because I had a very bad headache.

Now Merle goes to school and the Teacher knew Merle and I hung around each other. She asked him if he had seen me. He started to cry and yelled out, " Yes, I killed him but it was an accident". The Teacher freaks out and takes Merle to the Principals Office . The School contacts my parents. Both my Mom and my Dad worked full time. They couldn't make contact with my dad. My mother arrives at the school about 20 minutes after the call from the school and Merle takes her and one police officer to the last place I was at. But I wasn't at that location now. Nobody thought of looking for me at home .Fortunately my Dad forgot his steel toed shoes at home and comes back and hears the Television on upstairs. He comes up and sees me in bed with ice on my eye. I didn't know what had happened but I told him that I thought a rock had fallen on me when I was in the Quarry. My father then calls my mother at work to tell her that she had to come home. But , she wasn't at work. Her Manager told my Dad about the call from the school. We drove up to the Quarry and my mother was still in that area. I saw Merle and he started to cry and told me he was the one that threw the rock at me. The next day I went to school with a puffy eye and I still had a headache but Merle was happy that I alive . About 3 months our local Police Department came to our school and talked about this and used this as an example of what not to do when you hit your friend with a rock . I still have the scar above my eye.
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When I was a kid my later years of school started with an almost 2 hour ride on the bus, my younger brother and I were among the first picked up but were fortunate enough to be among the first to get off at the end of the day. The only good thing I remember about getting on the bus at 6:15 in the morning was seeing the occasional moose in a swamp we passed or Black Bear run across the road in front of us, you might catch a glimpse of a wild turkey once in a while, which we now are overrun with. I won't get into the "frosty slide and feeling it necessary to stick my tongue on the cold steel" story that most kids have done (That still makes me cringe but the skin grew back and I can taste things fine).
2nd or 3rd grade, couldn't wait for the school day to end, every day in the spring, until summer vacation. At the bell, about 10 of us "town Kids" would run across the playground to, I think it was, Candy's house. Her's was the closest, and only slightly out of most of our ways home. Why? Well it's the new season of Sea Hunt, and it aired at the same time as the end of the school day. Her mom would have the TV warmed up waiting for us. Sometimes, even getting Koolaid and snacks. The floor of the living room was wall to wall kids.
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