Contest: Enter to Win a Titanium Satellite C2PLL: Two Output C-Band PLL LNBF - Ends April 30th, 2014

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Original poster
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May 23, 2013
Meadow Vista, Northern California
Titanium Satellite Announces the New C2PLL Two Output C-band LNBF

Enter Today to Win!

C2WPLL_wScalar.jpg C2W-PLL_BackSide.jpg C2W_PLL_Kit.jpg
The Titanium Satellite CW2PLL is based on the popular single output C1 PLL and available in the wideband C1W PLL version with complete C-band coverage of 3.4GHz to 4.2GHz. Snow White color and aluminum cooling fins keep this phase lock loop LNBF running cool and providing optimized performance. The kit includes a flat scalar tapped for prime focus dish mounting, 7 zinc coated Allen Head screws with hex tool, dielectric plate for circular polarity reception and waterproof 3GHz rated f-fittings. Solid 50KHz stability with 10KHz stability after warm-up. Limited Lifetime Warranty against drift and manufacturing defect!

C2WPLL_Giftbox_Front.jpg C2WPLL_Giftbox_Specs.jpg C2WPLL_Giftbox_Desc.jpg

How to Win: Reply to this thread and tell us a short story about your favorite Springtime activity as a kid! Was it baseball league, new 4H projects, spring break at a relative's place, or ???

Small print: This contest is open to any SatelliteGuys member or staff who is in good standing. One entry per Member. Contest ends 11:59 pm, PDT, 4/30/2014. One winner will be selected at random on March 1st, 2014. If a winner does not respond to the SatelliteGuys posted notification within 10 days, the prize will be forfeited and will be offered to another contestant by random drawing.

This prize will be shipped free of charge to any residential or commercial address worldwide. The winner is responsible for all brokerage and/or customs fees.

Good Luck!

I appreciate your support of Titanium Satellite and the opportunity to provide innovative satellite products!

*Contest SatelliteGuys approved
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Titanium Satellite Announces the New C2PLL Two Output C-band LNBF

Enter Today to Win!

View attachment 96905 View attachment 96906 View attachment 96910
The Titanium Satellite CW2PLL is based on the popular single output C1 PLL and available in the wideband C1W PLL version with complete C-band coverage of 3.4GHz to 4.2GHz. Snow White color and aluminum cooling fins keep this phase lock loop LNBF running cool and providing optimized performance. The kit includes a flat scalar tapped for prime focus dish mounting, 7 zinc coated Allen Head screws with hex tool, dielectric plate for circular polarity reception and waterproof 3GHz rated f-fittings. Solid 50KHz stability with 10KHz stability after warm-up. Limited Lifetime Warranty against drift and manufacturing defect!

View attachment 96907 View attachment 96911 View attachment 96912

How to Win: Reply to this thread and tell us a short story about your favorite Springtime activity as a kid! Was it baseball league, new 4H projects, spring break at a relative's place, or ???

Small print: This contest is open to any SatelliteGuys member or staff who is in good standing. One entry per Member. Contest ends 11:59 pm, PDT, 4/30/2014. One winner will be selected at random on March 1st, 2014. If a winner does not respond to the SatelliteGuys posted notification within 10 days, the prize will be forfeited and will be offered to another contestant by random drawing.

This prize will be shipped free of charge to any residential or commercial address worldwide. The winner is responsible for all brokerage and/or customs fees.

Good Luck!

I appreciate your support of Titanium Satellite and the opportunity to provide innovative satellite products!

*Contest SatelliteGuys approved


Back when I was a kid, my favorite activity was fishing and mudding about the home areas for muskrat and bass and trout! We used our feet to walk about; and we always had poles and bags filled with all of our treasures we found during our hikes. We also "familied" up and took a number of trips to famous for fish lakes to fill the freezers!
Now, send me a twin NA 3.7-4.2; please...
As a kid, I would climb a pine tree up on a hill and look out over the valley below for nearly an hour and feel the breezes sway the tree. These were some restful and enjoyable moments.
When I was younger my brother and I couldn't wait for the ice to melt in the spring. We would head for the woods and the ponds behind our house and spend hours just following trails or walking along the river and talking. He is on the other side of Canada now. I miss those days.
As a kid, I couldn't wait for the spring smelt run. We could net back then and often my Dad and I would bring home 400 plus! Lots of smelts in the freezer for the rest of the year.

Like Migold and Vondertrenk, when I was a kid, I really liked climbing this tall pine tree that was in our backyard and I'd just stay up there for hours and hours, looking at everything around me, but that I can't say was my favorite thing to do. I did so many awesome things when I was a kid that it really is hard to single out just one as a favorite, but I'd have to say that spending the day at the ocean was always my favorite. My parents went a lot, all year round, which was lucky for me. :)

Thanks for yet another great contest, Brian!
When I was a kid I used to love the first warm days after the snow melted because it meant I could ride my bike to school instead of taking the school bus. I think that was the activity I loved the most!
One of my favorite things was going dirt biking. There were miles of trails where I lived and you could ride all day and not go on the same trail twice. It was a great way to get to some good fishing spots too. We even took my tent and went camping on the river one weekend with my dad and some of his friends. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything and wish I could do it again. ( Also would love to try one of the new pll's on the big dish ) Also anyone thinking about getting the ASCI to do it. It works great with the Az.
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we could tell it was springtime when we planted oats. that started the farmwork for the year as a kid. 7 years old and I had to scoop oats into the spreader as dad drove the tractor. fortunately I have 90 acres of the farm now and it makes a comfortable living added to the social security. chas
Very nice... Could certainly use a new C2PLL!

Spring time as a kid; Likely my favorite time if year. Much to the horror of my parents (mostly Mother), I would venture out into the farm yard with a hoe or shovel and spend hours in the mud draining puddles and melt water. If I got tired of that I would follow the stream down to the river and watch the ice as it groaned and cracked under the pressure and current. Luckily I knew better than to get too close, it was a dangerous place. Guess I survived :)
When I was a kid, a loooooooooong time ago, my favorite springtime thing was playing outside barefoot. We would spend hours eating honeysuckles, walk down the street and pop tar bubbles with our bare toes. They put tar in the seams of the cement streets and when it got hot it would bubble up. We would dare each other to pop the bubble with our bare toes. Climbing trees was great fun too, going up to peek into bird nests to see the tiny little eggs. Playing Barbies with the girls. I was so jealous, one girl had a Barbie jeep with a horse trailer and a horse. She had EVERYTHING.. And of course taking a little wagon down to the end of the street where there was a big field (now an apartment complex) where we would pick tons of blackberries, fill the wagon to overflowing and mom would make blackberry jam! Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!! It smelled soooooooo good !! And it tasted even better! While mom was cooking I was sneaking spoons full of sugar. Then I would bounce off the walls for hours, driving my folks crazy.

The best thing about spring when I was a kid was that back then, my mom was alive then, as were all the rest of my family.. I wish I could go back and just stay there.. :cry:
Probably the most fun for me as a kid was riding around on my bike. We’d ride around finding coke bottles to cash in for candy money at the little mom and pop store several blocks away. Build ramps to jump. Bolt parts of the aluminum frame from old lawn chairs to the front as a bumper and play chicken. Not sure how I ended up with all the stiches I got.:D
Back in the day Iceberg would sticky these contests. Now we are left behind in the FTA section digging until the come up to the top..

My spring activities as a kid (and still are) picking morel mushrooms under the cottonwood trees here in the NW. Also artichokes are fresh in season this time of year. Mmmmmm, fried musrooms, artichokes, and some venison. Life don't get better than that.
Contest: Enter to Win a Titanium Satellite C2PLL: Two Output C-Band PLL LNBF ...

Please don't place blame on the moderators. I requested the moderators to leave the Titanium contest threads in the main area instead of placed in the stickies area. Many members don't look at the stickies and these contests are receiving many more views when left in the main forum area. The contest threads rarely drop below the top 5 while running. :D

Brian Gohl
Titanium Satellite
I don't remember being a kid...let me think...scratching my head...I have dim memories of going down to the local pond and looking for frogs. Yep, that was it. We would spend hours catching frogs and putting them into a big bucket to bring home. Bull frogs the size of footballs were very popular. Leopard frogs, probably rare by now, were also very prized. My mom never appreciated the collection, but I didn't care. The other thing I use to do was navigate the sewer pipes. I don't know why I'm still alive, but I also drank the sewer water when ever I got thirsty. No one ever told me it wasn't safe to drink, but as a kid, I didn't care. The pipes were big enough to walk through, so we would follow them down to the local pond to catch more frogs. When the tadpoles came out, we'd catch them and add them to our aquariums and watch them turn into frogs. Ah yes, them were the days. Not a care in the world. Ponds, sewer pipes, tall grass and frogs. What more could a kid ask for?

Thanks for another contest. Maybe I'll find some good reasons to add another dish to our property.

By the way, we can now hear the frogs in the local creek. We still have snow, but it's finally melting away.
one thing i liked to do was and still do - grafting fruit trees in the spring, particularly march. I wasnt real young when i started it, but i still do it.
did 7 grafts this year.
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