Considering D* - Questions

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Proud Staff Member
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Staff member
Apr 3, 2005
Central Michigan
I've used E* for 3+ years and enjoy the service, but not the issues with lost programming and equipment delays. Anyway, I am considering switching sometime this year. Essentially, I like OLN and HD, but I'm not too big on Voom. Right now I have only basic receivers, I am still waiting for the E* 622s to become available for purchase - still on multiple waiting lists with no ETA.

Here is what I 'need' equipmnet wise - TWO HD DVRs. That's it. I understand everything is now leased. So I will need to consider that too when looking at what they charge for upgrades.


Is the upcoming MPEG4 HD DVR like E* in functionality, will it operate two TVs with different programs, and record mulitple things?

If I save the $3 on locals do I still get guide info for my OTA channels?

The $6 DVR fee is one per account, right? No other fees?
Base package $45, HD $10, DVR $6, 2nd Recvr $5 = $66 (or $63 w/o locals)

The use the new 5LNB dish on ALL HD installs?

What is the best place to go equipment fee wise? Order direct from D*, or a retailer, etc? Is the HD DVR really $400 extra just to lease?

When will the MPEG4 HD DVR finally be available - I read 1st quarter and end of summer?

Finally, if they only lease you ONE HD DVR, I guess I could use a standard DVR for my wife, she isn't really picky, will they do that?

Thanks for any answers you can give, if I tried to answer them all I'd be here all day and still get stuff wrong.:)
No...the HD DVR Lease fee isn't $400.00. It's $499.

The OTA Guide is not dependant on subscribing to locals.

The DVR fee is per account (not per receiver)

There is a new, slimmer, dish that will receive the 5 satellite signals.

I'd wait until there are some deals out there. The current pricing structure does not seem worth the money. If I wouldn't pay $299 to lease from E*, why the hell would I pay $499 to lease a receiver that is not capable of receiving MPEG4?

I signed up with DirecTV through Great service and knowledgeable staff. You will have a hard time getting correct answers from BB or Circuit City.
I am willing to pay E* $650 to OWN HD DVRs - knowing I can resell for $500+ if I switch. I would NOT pay $500 for the right to lease them however.

This really makes me wonder - because I would prefer D* programming from the look of things. I would get OLN again (hockey) and they always carry ALL the RSN nets, which is good when considering the MLB package. E* seems to lose a few RSN nets each year.
One more thing - I did subscribe to D* back in 1998 at a previous address (6 addresses ago that is) for about 1.5 years. I only had a one LNB dish and one basic receiver. Everything was paid in full and cancelled with no problems when I moved to an appartment with LOS issues. Will this matter? Am I still a new customer?
it is done all the time.

go thru an e-tailer, as long as your phone # and address is different and you didnt owe a balance, they cant track you. as soon as one year is up after disconnect, they have to dump your ss# it is illegal for them to keep it. so how are they going to track you?

hell ive installed the same person three times as a "new"sub.:eek:

it is the same at dish and was the same at voom.
Looks like we have found part of the reason the costs are so high fo equipment, even to lease it. Thanks a lot Dragon.
just telling the truth, dude.

do you have any idea how many Voom customers were dish and directv disconnects/non pays? how many were in run down homes with 15 year old non remote control or B&W tvs? about 25%.

i dont get paid to screen them, just install them.

im no different than any other tech out there, directv or dish.
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Should I Switch to DirecTV?

You can only lease ONE HD DVR per year now

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