confused about job description

The first one is where you start your day from your home, there is no need to go to an office first. You will also work in your community. The second one, you go to an office first to start your day and then may drive for several hours to get to the actual work... That's the way I read it.
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Hi. I am confused about these two different job descriptions from dish network.



what is the difference? The first job says "home-based" but the second job description does not say that? Is the first one a work from home opp? I'm confused. Thanks.
The first one....Tecvhs take their work vehicle home. They start their day at home. They don't go to the office every day. They log on to your tablet at a certain hour to view their route.
This is also more commonly referred to as a "remote tech"....
The latter, is a regular tech. He commutes to and from the office each day.. He does NOT take home his work vehicle. I would not work this detail. I would prefer the remote status.

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