The two more played games so far are victims of cheaters. First was Gears of War 2, and then COD-WoW. I haven't played GOW2 in almost a month and is one of my favorite games, along with the original. In this case, people can turn invisible, or pickup the shield with the shotgun at the same time, weapon slide and many more. With GOW, I know there's cheaters, but they have to try to get under the map, so I wait for them to try. And the Artillery can kill them when they are under the map. I play Hardcore almost most of the time and the cheaters are fewer.
But this games were released almost over 2 months ago and no fixes as have been released, even the poeple form Epic sold new Maps, but no fixes.
I upgraded my PC to a Quad Core Phenom 2, ATI HD4870-X-2 video card, so I can play all the new games on it. I may abandone consoles gaming again if this trend continues.