I'm about to put up an antenna where I own a lot and park my RV, about 5 miles from the towers of interest (heading 336-345). The antenna that is built in atop the RV brings in a couple of analog stations ok with the antenna boost on. It almost brings in the digital versions. They break up too much to quite be watchable. I'll probably start with a tripod on top of a shed, placing the antenna about the same height as the current one on the RV. Plan B is a Rohn tower, maybe 20'-30' tall.
The lot is heavily wooded with lots of 40' and even taller trees all around. Of course, there are very few leaves on the trees right now, and that may be helping reception. Satellite LOS is out of the question. There is no way I can hoist an antenna above the trees.
The only stations I'm interested in, that I have any hope of getting, are all UHF. Well, one, of minor interest, is channel 12. I read that the CM4228 is not good with multipath. There are no buildings nearby. I am near the top of one of the taller hills in the area (25419).
Will the 4228 work well in these circumstances? Or do the trees indicate the selection of another antenna? Would I be better off with a 3671, even though I don't need VHF? I guess improved FM reception would be nice. Or would something like a Winegard 9095 be better?
Any suggestions?
The lot is heavily wooded with lots of 40' and even taller trees all around. Of course, there are very few leaves on the trees right now, and that may be helping reception. Satellite LOS is out of the question. There is no way I can hoist an antenna above the trees.
The only stations I'm interested in, that I have any hope of getting, are all UHF. Well, one, of minor interest, is channel 12. I read that the CM4228 is not good with multipath. There are no buildings nearby. I am near the top of one of the taller hills in the area (25419).
Will the 4228 work well in these circumstances? Or do the trees indicate the selection of another antenna? Would I be better off with a 3671, even though I don't need VHF? I guess improved FM reception would be nice. Or would something like a Winegard 9095 be better?
Any suggestions?