I did get credit on my 2nd billing cycle. Have you checked into your Online Account to see your CLub Dish history? Make sure that the number(s) you have out have changed from Active to Reward. If they still read Active, then you will not get any credit ever.
Check with the person you gave the number to to make sure that it was used at the time that Dish or Local Retailer took the order.
I have found that, often, the Local Retailer will give out and use his OWN Club Dish number so HE gets the credit, and then yours goes unused.
I also am wondering when the Club Dish numbers expire?
I still have several that went unused and thought they expired 7/31/05, but they still show "Active" in my Online Dish Club History, so can they still be given out?
I tried to order more, but got the message to the effect that I had ordered my allottment already.
If we are allowed 14 (as I think I read in the fine print), it doesn't look like they are going to let me order new ones--when the old ones weren't used.