Cleveland Browns have no heart

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John Corn

The Coach / Supporter
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 6, 2003
North Canton, Ohio.
I think the Browns performance this past Sunday was the worst display of professional football in quite sometime.

To get called out and have a player say they will break a record against your squad and then let them do it is a disgrace.

To think that this team could not find the littlest but of motivation from this is just makes me sick.

Also, you know Fart Modell enjoyed every minute of it.

I'm hoping that this is the low point of the season b/c if it isn't, then I think we gotta say Bye Bye Butch!!

Go Browns!
Do you play the Cardinals? That would be at least one win.
I am in the same boat you are in John. The Chargers may have the worst defense in football. It is painfull to watch...
You believe I had a Browns fan talk smack to me on Sunday because the Steelers lost and I still had on my Hines Ward jersey??

I was in a 7-11 buying a drink and a hot dog and he was ribbing me about the jersey. So I said:

"How much is that?? $2.95??"

His mouth shut so fast I was almost on the floor laughing.
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