Being live is a good start! I'm afraid though that the monitoring of any questions about the 1080p rollout(if any) that question if it was all premature... won't be allowed through. Saving issues for the tech chat won't cut it as we all know where that show's direction has gone.Its on the homepage.
No idea what to expect tonight...
Broncos-Raiders takes it for me.... football!!!!
I'm locked into a 13 hour shift at work, with no repreive...i'll just wait for a re-cap later.....
Worked 2 -14's fri and sat and only a 12 last night... my boss has to go to a school tomorrow so no way I could get off tonight as I'm his relief cat herder... wish I could do the recapouch! i feel your pain! i've had my share of 12 hr more come Oct!!!!!