I have a chaparral dual feedhorn and two norsat lnb's one for vertical and one for horizonal.When the feedhorn is facing the dish which lnb goes on top the horizonal or the vertical one i enclosed picture of the feedhorn.
I had the vertical lnb at 12 o'clock and thehorz at 6 o'clock and i was only getting horz tp's.Do you have to skew this feedhorn at 10:30 and 4:30 like the chaparral with the servo motor or do you leave it at a 90 degree angle to get both polarites?I'm not really sure, but I'm thinking it doesn't matter as long as you get them lined up for best signal quality. Because if you turn it 90 degrees in either direction, it should change both to the other, if you understand what I'm getting at.
I have a manhattan plaza 550 it can move the dish a toshiba trx 1820.fortec mercury II.orbtron 7500 I have the lnb's going into a 4 way multiswitch and power inserter which is not needed then ran to the receivers.I will turn the lnb a little bit to see what happens.Good questions? See as I don't have one, I would suggest turning it slightky, till you get it where it should be. What kind of receiver are you going to use? If its the 4dtv, make sure you have it set correctly in the options? If it's DVB, you'll have to use a diseqc switch, one port for the horizontal and another port for vertical? Good Luck!